Monday, April 22, 2024

04/2024 Måndag the 22nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Earth Day

Today's Name Day: Allan, Glenn

    I had an interesting day.  Hardly normal.  But I liked it.  Started very early.  I had slept pretty good but woke up around 6am.  Briefly got up & back to bed, but could not go back to sleep.  Cinder was all curled on me.  I finally got up around 830am.  And since I was up so early I had a real breakfast.  Sprite & cinnamon roll.  And took my insulin.

    I had a lunch date that got cancelled again but I had my makeup on & dressed.  I tried to call but got no answer.  Decided I would go alone or see if I heard closer to lunch.  I ate alone & that was ok.  Had time to chat a little.  My "date" was having car trouble.  Hope he gets it fixed soon.

    One of the worker's wife & small daughter are coming here soon from Mexico & he needs someplace for them to live.  I called a friend who has rentals to see what he had & as luck would have he has one opening up soon.  Great.  I gave his number to MA & they can work out they details.  I am anxious to meet his wife.  I am sure she speaks no English.  His little girl is just so sweet.

    Then I went home for dessert of things I have here.  Just finished it & I got a text from AA that he needed a ride to Salina for a shot he forgot & needs.  Back to Lindsborg & we were off to the Tammy Walker Cancer Center.  After his shot we went through McDonald's for a meal for him.  It was good to see him & talk.  Will have supper with him & his mother later in the week.  She will probably  cook for us.  Excellent cook!  Hopefully there is a soccer match on the tv.  Love to watch them with him.  Fun to hear how he would play the match!!  And what he thinks of how they are playing.  I usually have to watch alone.  Not as much fun.

    Back at home I took a short nap then supper.  Cats were inside until supper.

    Weather was sort of awful today.  I was too hot overnight.  Then I got too cold.  High winds today.  We had gusts here of 49mph.  The house almost shook.  Better tonight.  We were in a fire watch with the extra dry conditions here.  Less wind tomorrow.  Less chance of fires.  'End of the week there are several days of chance of severe weather.  I hope we at least get some rain.

    When Willie was still alive & had no dementia there was a sweet older man in Lindsborg who came out on our farm to gather fire wood.  We never charged him just let him have it.  So at Christmas he always brought us a large turkey or a large ham.  Just now I saw that he had died at age 91.  What a sweet guy.  Missed seeing him & the good food he gave us.

    Photos are all ones I have taken & edited.  And they all are black & white.  That was my mood last night.  And there is a collage of my "kids".  The Earth Day photo is me!!



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...