Sunday, June 30, 2024

06/2024 Söndag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Social Media Day

Today's Name Day: Elof, Leif

    Today turned out to be a sofa/heating pad day.  I got little sleep last night & with the changing weather my RA pain is really bad.  Cinder & I did get a nice nap this afternoon.

    Had a nice cool day.  Last nite was in the 60s & this high today was 77F.  Heaven.  And with all the weather changes we got not one drop of rain.  It was all in the south.  Of course.  I have a friend who lives between Hutch & Pratt who had 5 inches starting last night at 230am.  They drove around & said all the ponds are full again.  Lucky for them!!

    Now that we had a nice day the weather is back for the super high temps & warnings & high winds.  We have a very slight chance of rain later tonight.  I expect it all to stay north of us.  As usual.

    Not much happening for me.  A few more texts today.  And my grandson I have not seen in a couple of years is visiting his other grandparents.  Lucky them.  I have no chance of seeing him anytime soon.  Lucky my other grandson lives here.  He is a big support for me.

    I was invited to a birthday party tonight but do to increase pain & no sleep I cancelled.  Hard to walk so there is no point to go anywhere.  And a bog crowd for me to try to get around with.  Hope tomorrow is better.  Maybe I can eat out for supper.  Maybe.  See how I feel.

    Photos are a true mix!!  Some family, some fur kids, some autumn ones.


I was surrounded this morning.

Iam always in pain with his loss.

Photos of grands today.  Only missing one great grandson.

A very old sign on the old Meridian highway.  My historical group is replacing just the center of it.  The paint is bad.

Prairie photo

Prairie photo

Saturday, June 29, 2024

06/2024 Lördag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Camera Day 

Today's Name Day: Peter, Petra

    Had a nice quiet day.  Cooler weather.  Saw 90 here & very low humidity.  Nice.  Slept ok with some cuddling from Cinder.  No weird dreams last night.  Always good.

    Cinder came in for lunch & then cuddled with me in our nap.  Needed some loving.

    My boss at the Mill sent me a very old photo of our family.  At first I thought we had a copy of it but we do not, Taken in 1941.  Have to find out why they have it,  I am glad to have a copy of it.  Front row is Grandma Mimi, Thelma Arcel, Martha Lee, Mom Marian, Grandpa Boppa.  Back row is Orin, Harlan, Merle, Bob.  All have passed on but two wives of 2 uncles.  Neither of them know who I am anymore.  Very sad.  They are standing on my grandparents front porch.

I shared this with family & a family group I have.  There are many family members that are not friends with me so I cannot share with them.
    Our poor astronauts are now stuck off of Earth for possibly months.  Scary.  Should have never left here.  See how it plays out.
    I am ready to stop listening to all news outlets.  Tired of the tired old  reporting.  They are all a mess since the presidential debate.  Too stressful to listen to.
    Very little texting today.  Told JS he can call anytime but he is busy.  I might try later but he is probably still busy.
    No 4th of July celebration here for me.  No fireworks & don't like driving at night.  They have food & music in the park but too many bugs & too hot.  Don't care.
    Someone shared old painful photos again where I can see them.  Tired of people not getting it when they hurt me.  Wish I could just block those photos & nothing more.  Don't think I can.  Dang it.  And they know I was hurt.
    Photos today are some art photos from my memories.

Friday, June 28, 2024

06/2024 Fredag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Veggie Beer Bread 

I did not like the selections for National Day so I looked at what they had & offered.  And chose recipes.  So I selected one.  Looks good.  Might try it!!

Today's Name Day: Leo

    Today I was supposed to work, but last night I had some severe vertigo.  Walked to bed with my head swirling.  Sitting down was no better.  Slept ok but woke up with the same vertigo.  I stayed home.  Sometime after lunch my head cleared.  Tried to nap but the Coke I was sipping on kept me awake.  Hope I sleep good tonight.    

    Hot again today.  I sawa 102F.  Ick.  Cooler for the next few days.  Super bad storms about an hour east of me.  Flooded one town & the heavy rains collapsed a building in their downtown.  Yikes.  Clouds were awesome to see.  We got nothing.  Maybe later or tomorrow.

   I had one really nice dream last night about being a nurse again.   Most of my nursing dreams are awful.  Bad times.   I rarely talk about those days.  I had a boss that bent over backwards to make my life miserable.  She succeeded.  I never figured out why she hated me.  We had student nurses who all at one time or another would talk to me in private to ask why she hated me but no one else.  I was one of the "lowly" nurses that the elite ones disliked & worked hard to not help us if they could help it.  But.  I loved my patients & their families.  And our interactions,  I tend to be a people person & they were all super nice.  Used to be fun to see one or two in town & hear the nicest comments from them.  Miss those times.  I miss many of the doctors.  There was one doctor that none of the other nurses liked.  I loved him & always made sure when he came on our floor I would make rounds with him.  No other nurse would give him the respect.  He sometimes would maybe say something inappropriate.  He did it to get a rise out of someone or another.  But I learned to just dish it back to him.  He also liked that.  We got along great.  People need to get over themselves.

    JR & I had Mexican for supper.  Our usual cook has been off for a while. Vacation???  But another waiter has taken over.  So I had to go back to say hi to him.  Had a nice chat & I got a very nice hug.  I have known him for many years.  Special.

    Dessert was at Tropical Sno.  I am addicted.  Wish they were open all year.  After dessert was groceries.  I was out.

    I have found a mail order meal plan.  Food looks awesome.  They have no contract required.  Order when you want.  Surely healthier than lunch meat so often.  Think I will try.  Food is not frozen although you can freeze them.  You can heat in the oven or microwave.  Might order a few tonight.

    Photos tonight are just photos I like.


Nico sleeping with his head on my lap.  Sure miss him.

Statue in a local meditation garden at a local church.

Photo of a weed I took.

My family in Boana Sweden at their summer house. Getting ready for Midsommarsdag a few years ago.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

06/2024 Torsdag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Family Time

    Today was lunch with my grandson MM, third great grandson & his mom.  Super nice.  Family time is very rare in my life & I treasure each moment I am included.  Special times.


Today's Name Day: Fingal, Selma

    I have had a great day except for one moment of panic!!  Slept ok & up early.  Cinder went out & then would not come when I went to town.  It rained in town but it was short lived so she was ok.

    As I write, the debate is on my tv.  Hope my blood pressure stays normal.  This is my only comment about it.  Will be unbelievable.

    I had a family lunch.  My little great grandson is so sweet & fun!!  He kept us entertained!  Need more times like this.   But we all talk often online.  That helps,

    Came home to nap & hoped that  Cinder would join me.  She did not.  Not in the mood I guess. BUT.  When I woke up I saw I had not set my alarm.  And almost time for supper.  And I panicked thinking I had supper with JR today!!  Then I fully woke up & realised no supper out today, but tomorrow.   I hate when that happens!!  Glad it is rare occurance.  Whew!!

    Weather not too bad.  Helps to have a low humidity.  Tomorrow is super hot again with a weather warning.  But cooler on the weekend.  Not cool enough though.

    I have alerted the Old Mill I am now working 2 days a week,  I am excited.  Great place & great people to work with.  I am excited.  And new photos tomorrow!!  Woo hoo!!!

    Photos today are a mix.  Had some arty photos in my memories today & liked them so I shared.  No idea where they are from.  And a photo of Cinder..


Cinder as I went to lunch.




Wednesday, June 26, 2024

06/2024 Onsdag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments



Had memories on my mind.  So photos are old memories.  Nice to remember.  Lovw this photo of Willie, to see him happy & laughing.

Today's Name Day: Lea, Rakel

    Had a great day.  Work day.  Love being at the Old Mill.  Great photos today.  Have a box of photos that are divided into folders of the first initial of the people's last name.  Not that it helps me know who they all are!!  But I do know some & some are even written on the back of them.  Some great memories in them!!!

    Cinder  has her schedule down pat.  She goes outside around lunch time.  Back in after I eat.  Then it is nap time.  Night time she is at the front door around 10pm for bedtime.;

    Work was fun today.  My boss brought us all drinks from the White Peacock today.  Always a good thing,  Lots of good talks!!  I have decided to work two days a week.  I love being there & I love the old photos.  Both newer ones & the super old ones.

    Supper was mexican food.  One of the wait staff has his wife & daughter here from Mexico.  His wife must be more comfortable here.  She was bussing tables & even smiled at me several times.  And their daughter is lovely & causes no trouble.  She plays quietly.

    I posted the other day my battle with seasonal affective disease.  I was pretty sure it would be totally  ignored.  As of yesterday not one person had read it, commented on it in anyway.  Says all I need to know,  I need to jus quit sharing things about me.  Few care.  I have always known that.  Did not even make me cry or feel bad.  I am aware.  I am doomed to an alone life.

    We checked what ice cream is at the ice cream place.  Nothing that interested me.  Sad.  Tropical sno again.  So tasty!!  And refreshing.

    Weather is much better today although it stayed too warm overnight.  In the 80s.  Way too warm.  But today was low 90s & low humidity.  Felt nice with a cooling breeze.  Wish it would last.

    I now know where. I should live.  A swedish friend wrote that he in Donsö, a small island near Göteberg Sweden.  It looks lovely but the best is their weather average temps in june are 60F for a high & 54F for a low,  That would be heaven!!!  Need to renew my passport!!  Photo of it here.

    Photos tonight are old memories.  Some touching or extra special, some will never happen again, some will bring tears to my eyes.


Good friend was a bartender for a while.  He did this for me & a couple next to me.  Just for fun.  Just pretty. & not strong alcohol.  Said he does this at wedding receptions sometimes.  I took several photos.

Thanksgiving when we used to have a city wide meal.  Those were the best days.  I miss being with JS & JR but most of all I miss Willie.  We should have had time to have fun with no work.  (So difficult being alone.  No one to call for help without messing someone's life up.)  On Thanksgiving it was fun to see who was in town & to eat excellent food.  Sure miss it.   Now there is nothing for anyone.

My grandson & third great grandson.  Sure are special to me.  Hope to see them tomorrow.

These were the absolute best days!!  Soccer matches with 2 great friends playing & their awesome soccer talent.  What I would not give to return to those days.  Both at Bethany College & in Wichita.

My birthday.  These celebrations are now over & done with.  Best friend JS never let me not celebrate a little but he has moved far away.  No more celebrations for me.  I try to just ignore & I do not go out to eat.  At least not in town.  JS always celebrated in Jalisco's.  I refuse to go in on my birthday.  Not their problem if no one remembers me.  Who cares???

Memories from one of my Sweden trips.  That will never happen again. I dream but know better.  Won't ever happen.  If there is no one to help me drive to Denver, Sweden is completely impossible.

Best friends.  I know Cinder misses Nico.  I am dying without Nico.  But here I am.  Nothing to do about it.  Thank god I have Cinder & Kisse.

Art by best friend John Bergers.  What fun it was to be his bestie.  We ate out all the time.  We traveled sometimes.  I miss him & those times.  He was a one of a kind.  The only one who ever would just call in the evening to see if I was ok.  No one does now but we do text often.  And he always knew gossip in town. He maybe had the facts wrong but he knew something wasa going on!



Tuesday, June 25, 2024

06/2024 Tisdag the 25th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Seasonal Affective Disorder
I have had this for many years.  And people close to me are clueless.  And I have been made fun of about how I feel or act.  It is not funny to me.  It is very frustrating.  People tend to think this only applies to people who cannot tolerate  winter.  They are so wrong.  Most people I know won't read or care how I feel.  I shared on my FB too.  I am sure it is a wasted effort.

Today's Name Day: David, Salomon

    I never got my blog wrote yesterday.  I hurt too bad & was too depressed.  I think I thought about it but that was as far as I got.
    I never got any trash carried out either.  Too depressed.  Just did not care.  I only had two trash bags to carry out.  No biggie.  One bin had blown over.  They did stand it up but did not close the lid.  That would have been asking too much.  People just don't care any more.
    Saw my eye doctor today.  Just for a test.  A boring test.  And I had glasses with new lenses to pick up.  None my new lenses fit right.  Hard to see correctly.  I might have to have them all redone.  The one girl who helped me was awful.  Then I had a bill for today's glasses.  But the girl told me I owed nothing.  I was thrilled.  I got a few blocks away & they called & said I did owe.  Why it was not showing  on the computer is beyond me.  Will call them tomorrow & pay over the phone.
    On they way home I saw  104F in my car.  Awful.  And tonight my AC is not quite keeping up.  Damn.  Living room is not too bad but by my bedroom is not good.  Hope it catches up by bedtime.  Last night it stayed in the 80s outside.  Far too warm for sleep.
    Tried to watch a country music show on the TV but just cannot stand it.  Turned it off.  Just not my kind of music.  Years ago it was but no more.
    Managed a short nap & Cinder laid on my chest.  Always nice.
    I had a strange occurance this afternoon.  I got in the car to go to the eye doctor.  A mother deer came running out of my pasture followed by a small baby deer.  They had been at our pond for a drink.  Left my yard & was on the way to the highway I take to Salina.  Ahead of me I see another mother deer followed by a tiny baby deer running across the road.. Odd.  Certainly not the same pair. Too far apart.  Kind of cool.
    When I got home I had to help a good friend.  Easy favor to do for him,  Always like to help.  And nice to see him & get a hug.
    Pictures tonight are cozy ones of autumn & winter.  Make me feel better.  Every day it is getting closer.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...