Had memories on my mind. So photos are old memories. Nice to remember. Lovw this photo of Willie, to see him happy & laughing.
Today's Name Day: Lea, Rakel
Had a great day. Work day. Love being at the Old Mill. Great photos today. Have a box of photos that are divided into folders of the first initial of the people's last name. Not that it helps me know who they all are!! But I do know some & some are even written on the back of them. Some great memories in them!!!
Cinder has her schedule down pat. She goes outside around lunch time. Back in after I eat. Then it is nap time. Night time she is at the front door around 10pm for bedtime.;
Work was fun today. My boss brought us all drinks from the White Peacock today. Always a good thing, Lots of good talks!! I have decided to work two days a week. I love being there & I love the old photos. Both newer ones & the super old ones.
Supper was mexican food. One of the wait staff has his wife & daughter here from Mexico. His wife must be more comfortable here. She was bussing tables & even smiled at me several times. And their daughter is lovely & causes no trouble. She plays quietly.
I posted the other day my battle with seasonal affective disease. I was pretty sure it would be totally ignored. As of yesterday not one person had read it, commented on it in anyway. Says all I need to know, I need to jus quit sharing things about me. Few care. I have always known that. Did not even make me cry or feel bad. I am aware. I am doomed to an alone life.
We checked what ice cream is at the ice cream place. Nothing that interested me. Sad. Tropical sno again. So tasty!! And refreshing.
Weather is much better today although it stayed too warm overnight. In the 80s. Way too warm. But today was low 90s & low humidity. Felt nice with a cooling breeze. Wish it would last.
I now know where. I should live. A swedish friend wrote that he in Donsö, a small island near Göteberg Sweden. It looks lovely but the best is their weather average temps in june are 60F for a high & 54F for a low, That would be heaven!!! Need to renew my passport!! Photo of it here.
Photos tonight are old memories. Some touching or extra special, some will never happen again, some will bring tears to my eyes.
Good friend was a bartender for a while. He did this for me & a couple next to me. Just for fun. Just pretty. & not strong alcohol. Said he does this at wedding receptions sometimes. I took several photos.
Thanksgiving when we used to have a city wide meal. Those were the best days. I miss being with JS & JR but most of all I miss Willie. We should have had time to have fun with no work. (So difficult being alone. No one to call for help without messing someone's life up.) On Thanksgiving it was fun to see who was in town & to eat excellent food. Sure miss it. Now there is nothing for anyone.
My grandson & third great grandson. Sure are special to me. Hope to see them tomorrow.
These were the absolute best days!! Soccer matches with 2 great friends playing & their awesome soccer talent. What I would not give to return to those days. Both at Bethany College & in Wichita.
My birthday. These celebrations are now over & done with. Best friend JS never let me not celebrate a little but he has moved far away. No more celebrations for me. I try to just ignore & I do not go out to eat. At least not in town. JS always celebrated in Jalisco's. I refuse to go in on my birthday. Not their problem if no one remembers me. Who cares???
Memories from one of my Sweden trips. That will never happen again. I dream but know better. Won't ever happen. If there is no one to help me drive to Denver, Sweden is completely impossible.
Best friends. I know Cinder misses Nico. I am dying without Nico. But here I am. Nothing to do about it. Thank god I have Cinder & Kisse.
Art by best friend John Bergers. What fun it was to be his bestie. We ate out all the time. We traveled sometimes. I miss him & those times. He was a one of a kind. The only one who ever would just call in the evening to see if I was ok. No one does now but we do text often. And he always knew gossip in town. He maybe had the facts wrong but he knew something wasa going on!