Family Time
Today was lunch with my grandson MM, third great grandson & his mom. Super nice. Family time is very rare in my life & I treasure each moment I am included. Special times.
Today's Name Day: Fingal, Selma
I have had a great day except for one moment of panic!! Slept ok & up early. Cinder went out & then would not come when I went to town. It rained in town but it was short lived so she was ok.
As I write, the debate is on my tv. Hope my blood pressure stays normal. This is my only comment about it. Will be unbelievable.
I had a family lunch. My little great grandson is so sweet & fun!! He kept us entertained! Need more times like this. But we all talk often online. That helps,
Came home to nap & hoped that Cinder would join me. She did not. Not in the mood I guess. BUT. When I woke up I saw I had not set my alarm. And almost time for supper. And I panicked thinking I had supper with JR today!! Then I fully woke up & realised no supper out today, but tomorrow. I hate when that happens!! Glad it is rare occurance. Whew!!
Weather not too bad. Helps to have a low humidity. Tomorrow is super hot again with a weather warning. But cooler on the weekend. Not cool enough though.
I have alerted the Old Mill I am now working 2 days a week, I am excited. Great place & great people to work with. I am excited. And new photos tomorrow!! Woo hoo!!!
Photos today are a mix. Had some arty photos in my memories today & liked them so I shared. No idea where they are from. And a photo of Cinder..
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