Sunday, June 16, 2024

06/2024 Söndag the 16th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Father's Day

Father's Day falls on the third Sunday in the US in June to honor the role fathers play in the family structure and society. This day recognizes not just fathers, but the father figures in our lives. These are the men we look up to who set solid examples for us and guide us throughout our lives.

Today's Name Day: Axel, Axelina

    Had a so-so day.  Did not get beaten up today, having increased pain today, but I am still invisible to many.  My hip flared up again & both my upper arms ache bad & both hands really hurt too.  And no sleep until 5am.  And no tears today.  That is encouraging.  I did cancel supper.  Just too much pain.

    We were in a storm warning last night.  The radar looked so encouaging.  Big area.  BUT.  As usual. It grew smaller & smaller as it moved my way.  We had a huge amount of lightning as a way to play with my emotions.  Only one light thunder crash.  By the time it was at my farm, there was not any rain at all for me.  We stayed dry.  It all went north.  Of course.  No rain now until late tuesday & wednesday.  Should ignore what they say.

    Cinder was out all afternoon even though it was well over 90F.  Supper time she was ready to come in.  Napping now.

    Took my winter blanket off my bed & replaced it with something thinner.  Folded the winter one & put it on a chair.  Cinder has claimed it as her own.  Kisse has her own blanket.  We all slept in a close=circle.  They stay close to me usually.  Unconditional love is the best.

    Watching the Tony Awards.  I have no chance of ever seeing a Broadway play but I have heard of them & I enjoy the evening gowns.  And it is not so important to me I have to stop & watch.  My blog & spanish lessons take precedence. 

    Photos today are ones I have taken & edited.  And made me so frustrated.  I know what I wanted on one but could not find a proper app.  Grrrr.


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07/2024 Lördag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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