Monday, June 17, 2024

06/2024 Måndag the 17th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Root Beer Day

Today's Name Day: Torborg, Torvald

    Today again did not go as I planned.  Not horrible just nothing worked out.  I was hoping last week was over & done.

    Supposed to meet my cousin fron Denver for lunch.  I was awake at 6am & checked my group & texts.  Had a text from her, ND.  Her family all left at 630am & that meant she had to leave but no where to go.  Certainly no lunch at 630.  She decided to go home then.  Will see her next time.

    I told JR we could eat supper out them.  But a family member upset me.  Not sure if it was intentional or not but I think it was.  And then my pain increased.  And I was extra tired again.  No supper.

    But no supper was ok.  Took my nap.  Cinder did not start out on my but I woke up later & she was curled up on my chest.  So nice.  It was a good trade off.

    Got hot again.  I saw 94F.  Usch. Plus winds up to 45mph.  Another usch.  And the winds are to get stronger over night,  And chance of rain starting tomorrow & bigger chance on wednesday.  Well everywhere except my farm.  Of course.

    KN & crew are on their last wheat field now. Wonder if they will get done tonight or tomorrow.  I never got any photos.  Saved some from SnapChat tonight.  Maybe next year.  Hope it was a good crop.

    Someone I know loves to post dozens of photos.  DOZENS.  But they are all OLD.  From 1 to 4 years old.  I know no one in them.  If they tried to show me who are kids, parents, etc. that would help.  But nary a name or clue.  I just ignore. A bit better than another friend who goes to concerts & then posts 200 photos at one time.  Ignore those too!!  Over whelming!!  Not insulting,  I have lots of photos I save online but they are only for me.  Sometimes for JR also.  I know one else would care.

    Photos today are all sketches that I loaded to an app I have & painted online.  Then did collages of them.  A couple of years ago they were done.  I liked using sketches or whatever I found online to paint.  Should do some again.  Better than what the app offers.


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07/2024 Onsdag the 03rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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