Tuesday, June 18, 2024

06/2024 Tisdag the 18th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Wanna Get Away Day           

I would kill to get away for a while.  I do not dare to even drive alone to Denver.  Wichita is sort of ok.  No one to ride with me to help drive if I need help.  Or just to ride with for fun.  I remain invisible.  Wonder if I can hire someone who cares??? Ha.

Today's Name Day: Bjarne, Björn

    Another day at home alone.  Getting too used to it.  AN texted me about harvest with photos.  We are done but they went to help her father before the rain hits.  Hope they got done for him.  Nice man.

    Slept so-so last night. Little pain.  It comes & goes.  Most of the time.  Sometimes in a flare it is constant.  I am sleeping better without my winter blanket on the bed.  Glad I changed my blankets.  Cinder lays on it often.  She is happy.  

    I am in a severe storm warning now.  Nothing yet but getting close,  Think I hear a drop or two.  Be a miracle if I get any rain at all.  Cinder just came in.  I had been to the mail box.  Glad if the weather is going to get bad  I am trying to be brave.  Hate being here alone.  Terrified.  But I am always alone.  Always.  A friend near Pratt almost always asks if I am ok & I always text her also.  Wish we lived closer to each other.  But I am lucky we are in touch at all..

    I chose not to even try to go anywhere today.  Just lazy.  And depressed.  Know what I want to do but cannot so here I sit.  Oh well.

    Photos are some I have taken of a Catholic Church in Victoria KS.  I always stopped there when I went to Denver.  Nice place to meditate & light a candle or two.  And take lots of photos.  These are the only ones that showed up today.  The photos of the outside are not mine.  Flowers are mine.


Not my photo

Taken of a statue in a meditation garden by me

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07/2024 Måndag the 01tst - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Canada Day The July 1 holiday to commemorate  Canada’s Confederation  became official in 1879, and was originally called Dominion Day. It ...