Monday, July 1, 2024

07/2024 Måndag the 01tst - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Canada Day

The July 1 holiday to commemorate Canada’s Confederation became official in 1879, and was originally called Dominion Day. It marks the day the British North America Act came into effect in 1867, effectively creating the Dominion of Canada out of three British colonies: the United Province of Canada (now the provinces of Ontario and Quebec), plus New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Confederation was an administrative change, not a revolution.

Today's Name Day: Aron, Mirjam

    A better day.  Not as much pain. Sleep not good but it never is.  Weather was too hot.  I saw 102F.  Cinder stayed in while I was in town for supper.  Smart cat.

    I got a nice nap but no cat was near me.  Makes me sad.  Nice to have Cinder cuddle with me.  I was up earlier than usual.  I had things to do.

    JR & I had supper at Jalisco's.  They were a little busy.  Nice to see them all.

    I have trouble with eczema or psoriasis that affects my scalp.  And gets worse.  I bought a combination shampoo/conditioner that is medicated.  So far I feel better.  Last few shampoos I itch right away.  No itching,  Yet.  Fingers crossed.

    Today was my best friend & his partner's first anniversary.  Too far away to get to help celebrate.

    Another friend sent word he is headed out of town for the next month for a health treatment.  I am quite worried for him.  And he will be too far away to go visit.  And maybe he will be too sick to have visitors.  .  Have some spiritual prayers I say.  Hope they help.

    When someone has broken the trust I had in them it is hard to believe anything they say.  I asked someone close to me a simple question & got a simple answer.  Should be no problem.  But I have wondered ever since if the answer was a lie or not.  Hard to trust again.

    Dessert was a Tropical Sno cone again.  Enclosed a photo of them today.  I am addicted to them.

    Photos are a mix of things from my memories.


Dessert place!

Abandoned church in Lost Springs, I think.  At one time there was someone working on it  Anytime I am near, I always new photos.

Took this but do not remember where.

My photo.

Maybe my photo

Autumn photo

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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...