Saturday, August 24, 2024

08/2024 Lördag the 24th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Peach Pie Day

I would kill for a piece of peach pie!!! 😄

Today's Name Day: Bartolomeus

    I had sort of a day of rest or doing nothing too active.  And once I fell asleep last night I sure slept sound.  I never woke up until noon today!!  Need to set my alarm.  I never took a nap  today.  But I kept busy.

    I had my leftover meatballs for lunch.  Soo good.  Added some bread, chips, & a pudding cup.  Good meal,

    I spent the afternoon catching up on my emails.  I was really behind.  Then I caught up on my genealogy.  Still have a little bit more.  Ignored it when I did not feel well,  And I added some new people.  I have one relative who changed his last name from Holm to Engberg.  No one knows why.  Or those who dead are long dead.  Engborg is not a family name.  I am at the point of hiring someone to search for me.  The curiosty is killing me!  And others.  And there was one family that a son was missing.  Never met him or know him like the others in his family.  But I knew he was on FB.  So looked him up & got photos of him, his wife, & daughter.  And the daughter's wedding.  Cool!!!

    Soup was for supper.  Always good & healthy. Almost out so I have more coming soon.

    Cinder went out at noon & never saw her again or even heard her.  She must have been sleeping somewhere in the heat.  We hit 104F.  Day #15 this month.  Most in the state.  Aren't we blessesd????  😞

    Just out.  Cinder was now waiting.  But I got tired of waiting on her to come in on her own.  But she is getting easier to hold.  She almost hugs me.  She is learning.

    I calleld JS this evening.  We had a great long chat.  So good to hear him & see him.  I really miss him.  I caught him up on every one here.  And someone that lived here & ate with me in Jalisco's several times a week.  Glad she is here visiting.   So he had questions about her life.  And he caught me up on his life and work.   And the flowers he has planted. .  I never wrote or called to tell him I was sick for 9 days.  I was just too tired to care about life in general.  So he pointed out that he wants me to let him know anytime I am not well.  He is in the minority..  I must try harder.

    Watching a 30 minute show on TV about a community organization about giving back to others.  They filmed it with an app that adds little white dots like star dots or snow or bugs or something.  Just looks odd.  I have a couple of apps that do that but I would not them on something serious.  Oh well, just on for noise.  Waiting for the nightly news.

    We have 2 astronauts stuck in space.  And the have decided they stay until february.  And 8 day trip is now many months long,  I would be really scared I would not get home.

    Hopefully tomorrow is the last day of the dome of heat.  They better not be lying to us.  Or we ride at dawn!!! 😄. Today Medicine Lodge Kansas was the hottest place in the entire USA. at 115F actual temp not just the "feels like".

    Now time for my spanish lesson.  I am really good at reading my lessons.  Wish I had a friend who spoke spanish & would ask me for coffee or lunch to just speak in spanish.  That would help.  And I always wanted one of the swedish speaking people I know to ask me the same thing but never happened & never will..  They all have their own groups of friends & I am not part of any such group.  I can only dream.  I surely hope my next life here is better.  Surely cannot get worse.

    Photos are all autumn related.  I am ready!!!


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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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