Monday, August 5, 2024

08/2024 Måndag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Work Like A Dog Day

Nico demonstrating how to work like a dog!!!  He was good at it!!!

Today's Name Day: Alrik, Ulrik


    I had a much better night & day.  Amazing.  Nice for a change.

    When I went to bed  I used a different pain cream.  I soaked almost my entire body in it.  And  I had little to no pain.  A little achey leg towards morning.  And I slept good for a change.  Gotta love RA.  HA!

    I had a lunch date with an artist friend from Iowa, RG.  He is here showing his art this month.  Wish we lived closer.  He is so easy to talk to.  And helped with all I dealt with Willie long before he died.  I am lucky enough to own a few of his pieces of art.  I bought one & he sent me one when Willie died.

    While eating at Jalisco's MM & KW came in with SM, my great grandson.  Kids were all enrolled in school today.  Cool!!  SM was so cute.  He had to give me a hug, Then he kept popping up over the back of our booth!  Sure love him!!  When they left another hug & love you!!  He sure makes my day!!

    Too hot today.  It was 100F in my car going to town,  On the way home it was 102F & in late afternoon also.  Too hot.  Cooler tomorrow &  rain wednesday & thursday.  Or so they say.  Even forecasting for where I live.  Won't believe it until I see it.

    Lunch did not sit on my tummy good so I was careful what I ate for supper.  Only ate half my lunch,  Odd.  Just had mild supper foods..

    Then I decided to take the trash out.  Only 4 trash bags.  Just one was heavy.  The others were light.  I had one huge box that a shelf unit came in so I filled it with all sizes of boxes all stacked together.  I sat outside with Cinder for a while.  She likes having me outside.  We both miss Nico being with us.  I have 3 huge antlion nests.  One was a bit messed up so I watched him fix it.  Look up Antlions on google.  Kind of cool little bugs.  I remember the garage where I grew up.  We never used it so the floor inside that was just dirt was full of antlions.  I never knew what they were.  A couple of years ago I looked them up.  Interesting.  And it gave me something to do while catching my breath..

    Voting day tomorrow.  I found where you can look at your ballot ahead of time.  All of the local area posts are empty.  You can write someone in.  No clue who I would write in.  Be a short trip to vote.  I assume those national posts on it those named are only Democrats.  Clueless who they are anyway,

    Cinder came in with me.  She is layimg on top of my room heater in a window.  Sound asleep.  And Kisse is laying on the sofa armrest behind my shoulder.  Protecting me I guess.  I have read where cats can see things we cannot & they will protect who they love from what they see.  Kisse sometimes sits in my bedroom door watching, awake.  Looking down the hall.  What is she guarding me from?    

    Photos today are from Lindsborg.  Mostly taken in the White Peacock a few years ago.  It changes in there periodically.  Always cool looking.


My babies.

Window in a past art show

All the rest of the photos are from theWhite Peacock.

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10/2024 Söndag the 06th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  National Noodle Day Today's Name Day:  Jennifer, Jenny      Had a great day!!  Not too stressful or busy.  An easy pace.  I slept fair...