Monday, August 19, 2024

08/2024 Måndag the 19th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Super Blue Moon

What is a super moon blue moon?

NASA says that combination happens roughly every 10 years under the stricter definition of a blue moon — the third in a season with 4 full moons.  A supermoon happens when a full moon takes place as the moon is its closest to Earth along its orbit.

Today's Name Day: Magnus, Måns

    Had a better day today.  Slept so-so.  Pretty normal.  Cinder did not spend all night with me.  )-:  Who knows why.

    Met my artist friend RG for a Mexican lunch.  We almost did not get a booth to sit in.  They were really busy!!  We almost sat there until they closed for the afternoon.  Good conversation.  I wish he lived closer.  Such a great guy.  And nice hugs.

    I went home & had a nice nap.  The cats heard nothing.  I quietly took my shoes off & laid down.  At some point Cinder knew I was home.  She curled up with me 3 times.  The house was too chilly & she helped warm me up.  She is a sweetheart.

    Supper was pizza. Bad idea for me to eat out twice in one day.  I almost got sick.  Almost.  Ok now.  After supper it was grocery time.  I was out of a few things.  Cinder wanted a slice of ham last night.  Poor baby.  I was out.  She was hopeful when I was putting my groceries away.  Nope.  Tomorrow.

    I was not going to watch the DNC convention & changed my mind.  Wanted to hear Biden's speech.  But heard several other good ones.  And Stephen Colbert is on live tonight when it is over.  I might be up all night!!!

    Weather was ok.  Low humidity makes such a difference.  No chance of rain tonight.  Only in western Kansas.  Our drought is really bad.

    Just turned & saw Kisse sitting on the sofa arm rest behind me.  Maybe she is guarding me, from what who knows?

    Photos are a mix of things.


Poster from a movie or tv show of 18 episodes.  It sounds wonderful.  Set in the 1920s.  Must find time soon.

Winter!! Come here!!!

Photo of Nico & Kisse.

Cinder today on the porch as I went to supper.

Statue on our college campus of the founder of the college, Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson.

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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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