Monday, September 23, 2024

09/2024 Måndag the 23rd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Innergize Day

......on the day after the Autumnal Equinox offers an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate. This is a day for you!

Since fall has officially arrived, it's time to shift gears. The fast pace of summer activities passes by now. Languid autumn days provide tranquil sunsets and peaceful moments. These are the times to focus on your personal well-being. Do things you enjoy that make you feel good about yourself. Let stress and worry fade away for the day.

Today's Name Day: Tea, Tekla

    I have had a good day.  Much better mood than last night.  Still upset with a decision I am having to make but I should be used to the facts of my life.  They seem to stay the same.  Must be Karma from a past life.

    I slept fair & had both cats cuddle at different times.  Cinder does it the most.  Kisse is next to me at the moment.  Glad she is doing that more often.  And she is "bathing" now also.

    MM treated me to lunch today.  We had Mexican.  I tried something new & it was good. Could not eat it all but that is ok.  Helps my weight.  Had a good visit.  I bought my great grandsons 4 books & will deliver them on thursday.  They are rhyming books & cute!!  I have a fun bag to put them in also.

     I went to Assaria to have a small adjustment done to my car.  Fun to see my mechanic.  He is one of the all time nicest people I know.  Always makes me smile & feel good.

    Home to tackle a project I have had.  I bought a small ice machine.  Soooooo.  I cleared off where I wanted it.  And gathered lots of trash to throw out.  The machine was heavier than I thought it would be.  I had trouble getting it out of the box but it finally worked.  Read the directions & double checked the drain.  Filled with water & chose small cubes.  The noise always gets Kisse's attention each time they drop!!  

    I am going to pay big time for all the lifting I did.  I called KN & he will come tomorrow to rearrange my trash bins & put the bags of trash in them that I will throw out in the morning.  I hated to call him but I pretty much know how bad I will feel tonight & tomorrow.  He is the best.  He should have said no.  I hate to ask anything of anyone.  My pain is my problem.  I am used to always being the one who gives to everyone else.  Not used to anyone giving or doing for me.  I won't get used to it that is for sure.

    I have waited for my diabetic dr to call for almost a week.  I called again today.  Ridiculous.  But they called back this afternoon.  Finally!!! I can go tomorrow to get my insulin needles.  Hope they are better than the ones from my pharmacy here.  Those are awful.

    Fuel was really cheap yesterday.  Nice for a change.  BUT.  It dropped another dime overnight!!!  I was on fumes so I could not have waited.

    Photos today are ones I have edited.  Playing relaxes me.


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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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