Friday, October 18, 2024

10/2024 Fredag the 18th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Chocolate Cupcake Day

Today's Name Day:  

    Had a great day.  Slept pretty good.  Started my day meeting LL at the White Peacock for lunch.  I had my usual cinnamon roll.  They are the best.  From the bakery next door,  And of course some tea.  They were really really busy,  Good to see.  My fave artist & person came in so we had a nice chat!  MH is the best.

    Then on to work,  Still in Folder "P".  Got all the tiny photos done,  I hate those little things.  I do my best to keep them organized & not falling all over the place.

    Mexican food for JR & I.  Not bad.  Always good to see the staff.  Then I saw my assistant admin on Lindsborg Now was. there.  Not seen him in ages.  And got to meet his wife.  She is very nice.

    Dessert was the Barnyard Creamery ice cream.  Of course..  Just the best ice cream.  Still had cotton candy.  I am sure it won't last for long.

    Then home.  I was so tired so I had a short nap.  The only bad thing today was I was in almost severe pain.  Almost thought I would fall down the stairs when I got to work.

    I had a fun discussion with out new director about the college soccer teams.  A sad story.  Neither team has scored once yet this year.  Awful.  I remember when they were good.  Maybe next year.

    Photos are from my memories.


Fun photos.  I wanted one with all 3 great grandsons in it. 💕

Painting by John Bergers of a building called The Fair Building.  Owned by the Train side of my family.  Not sure what all they sold.  Building no long exist.

Taken from the porch of the Mill.  I edited out ugly electric pole & lady walking

This was either last year or the year before.  Great yard.  Have to see what they do this year.  Loved this corner.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...