Thursday, November 7, 2024

11/2024 Torsdag the 7th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

Today's Name Day: Ingegerd, Ingela

    I had a nice quiet day.  Slept good last night.  Kept my stress low.  Lots of cuddles from Cinder.  She now sleeps in front of the window on my bed early morning.  Nice.  This morning Kisse was sleeping under my bed.  ;She does that often.

    I have figured out how to do photos without my mouse.  Smarter than I thought!!!  Really has reduced my stress.

    Loving our weather.  Cool & quiet.  Enough clouds not to be super sunny,  Rain is approaching.  Far western Kansas has snow.  Over state lines in Colorado there is 25+ inches of snow forecast.  No roads open to Colorado.  One would be stupid to try.  The main roads are closed with gates.  But there is always some dummy that tries a back road or two.  And fail.

    I got a small pouch of kitty treats yesterday.  Both cats love them.  Ordered more.  Nice for them to have treats.  Tiny little bites.

    I drove to the mailbox.  Not a bull in sight.  And no surprise animals in sight.  Wonder what they are.  Took photos of the prairie & things nearby.

    Communication was pretty quiet today.  Had an email from a friend & a phone call from MM.  He texts me often.  And I him.  I am ignored by lots of family.

    Found a iWatch band I never used.  Animal print.  Using it now.  Sometimes change is good.  I like it.

    I was getting mail off the porch & Cinder wanted to go out.  It was sunny so why not.  She walked out & looked to the east for a while.  Then she came back in.  Poor baby.

    Photos tonight are ones I took today.  Leaves on my trees not very colorful yet.  Hope that changes.  Many prairie grasses are fun to photograph.  Nice clouds.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...