Monday, December 2, 2024

12/2024 Måndag the 02nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Beata, Beatrice
    The Name Beata is really special to me.  Years ago there was a wonderful Swedish lady at our local college.  My friend Lars was here at the same time.  The 3 of us ate almost daily lunches at the college cafeteria together.  Her daughter was an actress in Sweden.  Plus she knew the people who lived in my family castle in Vanås.  A good time in my life,  Wish they were both still in my life.
    My day was not too busy early on,  I did my spanish lesson, showered, did partial makeup & got dressed.
    Had an eye appointment at 415pm.  Just for eye  dilation.  When the nurse checked my eyes to see what I can read with my glasses on,  That was pretty awful.  My right eye could only read the middle & upper line of letters.  Left eye could read none of it,  So she enlarged the lines & I still could not read any of them.  These were with my glasses on.  No wonder I have trouble reading on my laptop & iPhone.  Talk about blind as a bat.  My Dr is calling the doctor who did my cataract surgery to see if she can do a laser treatment on my eyes to see if that helps.  So it is sit & wait for 6 weeks to see if he hears from the second doctor.  Wait & see.
    Driving in 530pm traffic with dilated eyes was scary as hell.  Should have got a motel room.  I was terrified.  Where is Willie when I need him????  He always drove after those appointments.  Now there is no one.  I warned my nephew about the laser treatments in the future.  I hate bothering people.  My problems, not their problems,  And everyone is busy with kids, jobs, their lives, fun things.  Next time a motel room.  Cats can survive one night without me.  There is no line of volunteers to help me.
    How relieved I was to get to Lindsborg.  I was shaking,  But the time in Jalisco's was fun.  All customers left but us.  But all the workers came out to say hello & greet us,  I was talking to JS on a video call.  He got to say hi to all his former coworkers.  He had never met PR's wife so I introduced him to LH.  Fun evening,
    Maybe going to Hutchinson tomorrow to get meds.  See how cold it is & how I feel.
    Photos are seasonal ones,

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...