Tuesday, December 17, 2024

12/2024 Tisdag the 17th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

 Photo from yesterday in Sweden.

Today's Name Day:  Stig

    Had an OK day.  Slept fine overnight.  Kisse cuddled with me & Cinder did a little.
    Had an appointent with an eye doctor specialist.  Really like her.  She is a great doc & nice person.  Had my eyes dilated & photos taken of my eyes.  Everything looks ok, But there is problem with my cataract surgery.  There is fluid causing less vision.  Happens often.  Probably not explaining it correctly.  End of january will have a laser procedure done in the hospital.  Doctor said I can eat breakfast, wear street clothes, drive myself there & home again,  Like an office visit.  Will be at 7am.  THAT will be difficult for me.  I am NOT a morning person.  She said I could probably go to work that day but I will take it off,  I am ready to have it now so. I can see again,  And she suggested glasses just for computer work.
    Weather was ok but cooler tomorrow & on friday.  My house feels cold now.   Need to turn the heat up a bit,
    Not started on working on my Christmas photos I took last night,  Just no time..  But after changing camera settings I see that my owl photo is much better.  I am sharing it with some info,  Did not see him today,
    Kisse has been on me since I got home but Cinder must still be sleeping,  Time for treats for both of them.  Cinder is now up.
    Photos are seasonal ones.

My owl.  The 3 photos that got better show that this is the best one.  The other two his head is turned.  Love them.


Created this in an online app where you color photos.


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