Wednesday, December 18, 2024

12/2024 Onsdag the 18th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Made sure all 3 kids were included.  Still hurting bad without Nico.  He deserved better.  Makes me hurt worse.

Today's Name Day:  Abraham

    Had a so-so day.  My eyes were scratchy & with trouble focusing.  Decided to stay home from work.  Cinder was sleeping on my chest & agreed!!!  She always agrees with cuddling & treats!!  Evening is a big treat time for both cats.  They beg all day.  I refilled their litter boxes a day ago,.  Decided they did not like the new litter.  Today it is ok.  Great!!!
    Had a great delivery in the mail this morning.  JR & I each got a can of popcorn.  We always used to have that for Christmas.  Missed it so I treated us to each a can.  That was my lunch.  Very good!!!
    Had a nice nap.  With Cinder cuddling.  Always good.  Kisse has started something new.  When I go to bed, she goes to bed.  After she wears us both out getting me to give her tons of petting she calms down & cuddles up next to me for. along time.  And even Cinder can join us & no trouble from anyone.
    JR & I ate Mexican tonight.  Vision still crappy but my eyes don't hurt now.  Used some warm, wet masks that help my eyes feel better.  I saw a product to heat your eyes with.  Ordered it & like it.  But using a wet warm cloth is nice also.  Cannot wait for my laser procedure.  Would do it tomorrow if I could.
    I sorted through my Christmas lights photos yesterday.  Even took a couple on the way in town today.  Never got good ones the other night of those two places.  Look much better.
    Photos tonight were some in my memories.

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003/2025 Måndag the 10th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Ada, Edla Had a ladies in town with the both these names.     What a day!!  Great & special. day I have had!!!...