Thursday, December 19, 2024

12/2024 Torsdag the 19th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


                    Today's Name Day:  Isak

    Today was sort of a day of rest.  I had a list of stuff I needed to do.  I did get some of it done though.  And took a nap.
    Spent time outside.  Nice out today.  Not so much tomorrow though.  I organised my boxes that go in the trash.  If it is not windy next tuesday I can get some of them between my trash bins.  Will see.  The second bin will be filled with trash bags,  Not carried them out yet.  Maybe saturday.  Have around 6 in the house,  Mostly out of the way so far.  Cannot over work my back or I pay for it later.  Pain is not so bad for the last couple of days.
    Did not sleep good last night.  So a nice nap this afternoon,  Cinder was extra lazy today.  Had to call her for lunch.  Have not done treats tonight yet.
    Watching Ghosts now.  An hour episode instead of just 30 minutes.  Rather cute.  Love this show.  It even had a sweet moment that made me cry.  A rare show on a regular network I like.
    My dish of supper stuff is not in the trash yet,  Kisse liked it,  She is usually picky!!!
    Quite warm today but tomorrow it is only in the 30s.  Brrr but much better than heat, humidity, & bugs.  Already dreading summer.  Do not like the first day of winter,  Means winter is ending,  Awful.
    Photos are gnomes.  Love gnomes.

Great craft idea.  I might try to make one.  How hard can it be!  Paint brush, rope, paint.  Easy peasy.

Me as a Santa girl

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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...