Today's Name Day: Mats, Mattias
Love these names. They are forms of Matthys. Have a dear friend with that name. He lives in South Africa. Miss him so much.
Not great day. Slept ok but when I woke up my stomach was still sickly. Did not feel like eating but I did. Stayed in my jammies. Who would care?? I am always alone so no one sees me. Just my cats. Actually feel some better right now.
I did eat lunch without any trouble. I have small cups I drink out of but today I chose a really pretty tall glass to use. Maybe I will drink more. And the water is still cold coming out of the tap. Best part of winter.
I tried to take a nap. Kisse curled up on my stomach. But did not stay too long. Cinder is in the living room but sort of ignoring me. Too hot to cuddle. Plus has her nest just right.
While watching my lunch tv shows Cinder managed to turn the tv power strip off. Grrrr. Lost part of one show I tape. But working now.
Had photos & lots of texting with KW today. She & MM are no longer dating. At least for a while. Working out how to still see all the kids. I got photos & video of SM blowing me a kiss & saying "I love you!" Makes my day. 💓. I am lucky.
Had a gas explosion in Hutchinson a couple of days ago, Luckily no one was hurt. Two workers had just left the building. Think they smelled gas. Lucky. Areas around the blown up building are still forbidden for going to work or home. Trying to let the gas escape & burn off. They had an earlier explosion in 2001. Worse than this one.
Dang. Now my living room is up to 77F. No bueno!!! 😱
Photos are a mix today. A couple I will explain.
I love this kind of art.
An island in Sweden has windmills like this.
A very old old photo of Lindsborg's Main Street. At the far end of the street is the Bethany Lutheran Church steeple. Wish I knew who the people were.
A grocery store from long ago. I was almost a teenager then. You could call your order in & go pick it up or they would deliver to your house. Service like that is rare today. I remember the meat guy. All meat was freshly cut & the best ever. He was deaf I remember. Super nice guy. Be fun to have that kind of meat counter now.
My perfect day.
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