Wednesday, February 26, 2025

002/2025 Onsdag the 26h - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Torgny, Torkel

    My day did not start good.  I woke in the middle of the night & my body was on fire.  I was sweating profusely.  I got up to check my temperture.  It was fine. I felt awful then I realised my blood sugar was super low.  I took some glucose tablets.  Then I felt better.  I swore I ate enough but maybe not.  Who knows.  Once I calmed down & laid back down I was ok.  Got up & felt good.
    My two oldest great grandsons got ill last night.  Their dad MM & I were both sick on sunday & monday.  When we ate out the other noon I wonder if someone in there was ill & passed it on.  The kids were great all day.  Super weather. They ate out & played in the park.  Got home & they both started puking.  All over the house!!  Poor Dad!  He finally wrote a help me letter wondering if he was doing something wrong,  He was not.  I wrote him overnight & both had just puked around then but it was not constant.  This morning they had finished breakfast & drinking some healthful stuff ---- pedialyte.  Spelling???  One was asleep the other was still drinking.  Poor guys!
    I made it to work.  I finished the book I was working on.  Now starting on photos from the Chamber of Commerce.  LL sorts them by subject.  Several of them had photos by Gröndal.  He was famous in our town & area..  Out standing photographer.  I shared 4 on Lindsborg Nostalgia.  There was a photo of my church taken in 1900.  Awesome.  The yard was covered in trees.  The church was still the dark stones.  Today it is white.  A shame all the trees were cut down at some time.  Another one was of an early harvesting machines.  Photo taken in 1916.  With an interesting story on the back of it how the Swedes got here & what hard work it was to take a virgin prairie & make it farm ground.  And at home I realised our father was born in 1916.  Does that make him seem lots older than he is!!  Great photos today!!  Love it.
    I had a coffee date tomorrow that got cancelled.  Sort of disappointed but it was rescheduled.  Great!!
    Supper for JR & I was Mexican.  I had 2 burritos & bring one home for tomorrow.  They were not busy when we got there but soon scads of people kept coming in.  So we left.
    No groceries tonight.  I ordered what I wanted & needed on Amazon.  Will live a day without soda.  Only my problem.  I have teas to drink.  I need to start ordering locally or in Salina & picking my ordered.  Then I am not a burden to anyone.
    It stayed far too warm last night.  Way too warm.  Today was a bit cooler at 61F.  Had north winds so the house was ok.  But I was not here.  Cats were napping.  Both were starving when I had supper.
    Day off tomorrow.  SVAFC on friday & a new show.  Photos from local people that they have taken & chosen to display them.  Anxious to see them.

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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Saga, Siv     Had a great day today.  I had extra photos to do today.  Someone left her family photos.  Many had n...