Today's Name Day: Gunborg, Gunvor
Not a bad day. Still back pain but not the worst. I did get two bags of trash outside & decided that would be all. I needed room for some small boxes. The big ones remain. And wind is much worse now. My one bin was blown over. So I filled it with boxes & put the strap on it to keep the lid in place. It can blow over now for all I care. Trash men can deal with it in the morning. We are in a weather alarm day for tuesday. They said the wind would be bad then not today. I was hoping to get all my boxes by the trash bins. HA!!!
Winds tomorrow will be around 50-60mph starting in the west moving & to where I live. And we are in the 1-3 inches of snow. Glad I have no plans for tomorrow. Good day to snuggle on the sofa with one or both of my kits.
Got several photos from MM & the kids. Always makes my day. He did ask me to eat out but I hurt too much.
Yesterday I could not get my room heater to turn back & forth. It would come on but not turn. Works fine today. ??? And this morning when I got up I lost my iPhone pen I use all the time. I looked high & low. No pen. Went back in now & there it was in the open on my bed. I swear one of the cats had it & hid it until just now.
I watched a wonderful live video from the Old Mill of the Dempster Windmill we have in our town. It is part of out old town on our property. It was in bad condition so our work crew worked on it & went to the company that made it in Nebraska. So it is now done & looking close to how it looked oringinally. The wheel was remade just like the original. And the vane was totally remade in sort of an arrow shape in stead of square. Today the wheel went back on. So AP videoed that. Had to get special equipment in to hoist it up & the vane with the name of the wind mill company & the year it was made. Think it is Dempster No. 9. One of our guys was on the top to attach it all. I saw he had a safety belt attached to the wind mill. Scared me to watch. Here is what was replaced.
AP also showed all the wonderful restoration work done on different buildings in our town & mill. We are doing a great job. I am so proud to be even a small part of the Old Mill.
Ad on tv for BBQ. None here but need to splurge & bring some home. Time for me to fix supper.
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