Salemsborg Lutheran Church & cemetery. Was looking for a grave I could not find. There is also an outdoor pulpit that still is used on occasion. Get a photo later.
Today's Name Day: Greger
I slept ok last night. But too much on my mind. I have been reviewing past times with Willie & his friends, trying to imagine what I did to make most of them hate me. There was maybe 2 couples who were nice to me to a point. And a couple of single guys who seemed to like me. I tried to be friendly but did not help. I remembered one night in the bar with all the women sitting together. They always made a point to talk about things I could not enter into ---- how they hated Lindsborg, Lindsborg schools, their kids, how they hated Swedes/Sweden. At a lull in the conversation I very quietly & pleasantly asked if any one had been in Salina to the River Festival. The one lady chose to almost shout to me that why would anyone go there, its too hot, too expensive, too many people. A simple "it is not my thing to do" would have been ok. But to yell at me was uncalled for. That was the end. I never again sat with them or talked to any of them. I was done. It was clear she did not like me. Need to clear my mind.
The high today was 81F & the low was in the 30-40s. House stayed in the 70s. Nice. High winds tomorrow & cooler. Seriously higher & scary winds on friday. 😱
After lunch I found I just could not do anything right. Absolutely nothing. Will not go into detail. & point out my failings. Someone should have been totally pissed at me but was not.
I had hair appointment around 3pm. I managed to kill enough time after it to get to Jim's County Style Chicken by 5pm. I had a hot beef sandwich, macaroni & cheese, peach pie, & pepsi. The best. Must get there more often on thursday.
When we were farming I always went to Jim's for fried chicken meals. Our one driver had a young grandson who would visit. He loved friend chicken. His grandmother told him the food was for workers only, I told her there was plenty he could have all he wanted. From then on whenever he was coming to visit, his grandpa always warned me. I never disappointed him. I wonder if he remembers. Good times & memories.
I have discovered a ton of pink little flags in my road & driveway, Called KN to ask why. He is clueless too. Will get a photo tomorrow.
Took a slow drive home from town. Took some photos & looked for more. I fought tears the entire time. When I got home I sat in the yard & cried for a while. May again soon. Too many sad memories.
No llamas here today. They accidently got locked up. 😞. Hopefully I can see them tomorrow. I should try to go pet them. When I get brave!
Local photos, Swedish photos, & more.
The Church is the Salemsborg Lutheran Church that is not far from my house. The original one burned down years ago,
Here you are, You are welcome!
Happy Birthday!
Very old photo of Carl Aaron Swensson who with his wife started our college, Bethany College in Lindsborg. Statue still on the campus but it has moved more than once. Several times.
Did a search & found this photo. I took it in & uploaded it to Flickr in June 2012. He is on a pedastal with flowers & you can see water coming out the sides of it. There are flags now a ways behind him.
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