Wednesday, March 12, 2025

003/2025 Onsdag the 12th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Viktoria
It is the Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden's Name day.  On March 12, 2025, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden celebrated her name day at the Royal Palace in Stockholm.

    Today was a great day.  Much better than yesterday.  I slept all night thanks to medication.  No pain today.
    I worked at the Old Mill Museum.  Did several different batches of photos,.  I saved many photos from them..  Will slowly share them on Lindsborg Nostalgia.  Too cool not to share. Some have short stories on them I will also share.   Just don't want to overdo sharing.
    Everyone was in different moods,  Even me!  Lots of joking, teasing, sharing, laughing.  Fun!!  Spring fever??  We all realised what was going on!
    JR & I had Mexican for supper.  I was feeling good so I had carne asada ----- grilled steak..  Excellent choice.  Mexicans do the best steak.  Especially on a real grill.
    Home to take care of the cats.  The house was ungodly hot. 🔥 Turned on the AC & now it is 72.  Feels much better.  It is forecast to be 80 tomorrow.  AC on all day.  Came home to a large herd of cattle plus Larry & Coco, the llamas.  Larry is black.  Coco is brown.
    No wind today,  On friday it will be 50+ miles per hour.  THEN my back will start hurting again.  No rain, of course.  Western Kansas is in a fire danger tomorrow.  Not here. Love our weatherman.  He just said the weather coming is extremely intense so people may have physical distress.  Great.  NOT.
     Had a lunch date tomorrow but it got cancelled.  Two had to cancel.  Moved it to next week.

How my church, Bethany Lutheran Church, looked many years ago.

The Swedish Pavilion when it was still on the Bethany College campus.  And a different view than usual.

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003/2025 Onsdag the 12th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Viktoria It is the Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden's Name day.   On March 12, 2025,  Crown Princess Victoria...