Wednesday, October 16, 2024

10/2024 Onsdag the 16th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Global Cat Day

Nice to honor my cats that make my life better than ever!! 💕

Today's Name Day: Finn

    Not a good day today.  I was just exhausted last night & went to bed around 10pm.  Fell asleep.  Slept until around 1am.  That was it.  Woke up & never went back to sleep again.  I tried but I hurt way too much.  I tried several pain creams with poor results.  My hips/back hurt bad & made my legs very restless.  Very frustrating.  I decided to not go to work.  Just rested.  I probably did too much yesterday but no choice.  I am not bothering my nephew when he has lots of work to do.  No one can understand that.  And farm work does not stop in winter.  There is always lots to do.  Many city people are clueless.

    It got really cold last night.  I saw 23.  Should have made good sleeping.  RA decided no way.  Our high today was 64.  The coming rain sounds worse every day.  😔

    No supper out tonight.  I wish.  Even if I felt good enough to just drive somewhere to pick up something.  Chicken sounds good.  Or bbq beef.  Oh well.  I will find something here.  Maybe some soup.

    Someone on my Lindsborg Now group posted 2 messages wanting 10 trump signs for his yard.  I deleted both.  I finally posted if there is one more someone will get banned.  Our group has never allowed political or religious posts.  Causes too many fights.  And people have no clue how to just scroll on past & ignore.  Ha.  That would be too easy!!!

    Wow.  On the news they just reported that President Jimmy Carter just cast his vote for president.  He is 100 years old & not at all well.  Plus he is in hospice care.  He wanted to live long enough to vote this year.  Glad he made it.  I want him to live long enough to see who wins,

    Now Kansas is in a fire warning.  We are so dry with high winds coming.  They are warning all farmers to not harvest or do field work.  Hope they listen so there are no bad fires.  Where I live we have not had any rain in 22 days.  So awful & scary.

    And with the drought the leaves falling off trees will fall early & the colors will be duller than usual.  Sad.  Nothing pretty.

    Pictures today are some I played with today.  One of my cameras has come out with a new setting with no AI setting to help with how photos look.  Just good old photos.  This camera does not do a zoom setting but you can edit photos to be just a small area.  I am still learning & the photos posted here are not the best. And there 3 I edited.


Me no make up with snowy background

Special photo of people that were so special.  It is Willie, Matthys, me, Alan.  Matthys & Alan are from South Aftrica & they worked for my son.  Matthys was here several times.  And stayed with us.  The nicest guys.  Lost track of Alan but sometimes hear from Matthys.  Matthys & I had some cool times.  Great memories.

Ceiling fan

Swedish plates

Painting by Lars Bäckman


Edited gazebo in Lindsborg in Swensson Park



Tuesday, October 15, 2024

10/2024 Tisdag the 15th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Grouch Day

If you are a grouch, today is your special day. According to Sesame Street Magazine, the day celebrates all grouches and their way of life. 

Today's Name Day: Hedvig, Hillevi

    Had an ok day.  Nothing special.  Got too much mail today.  Big boxes.  Sheesh.  I got all my boxes organised.  Have to try to make sure they don't blow.  I can hope, but the wind is already blowing.  And one box moved.  I moved the boxes back & shoved the bins in to the boxes tightly.  I have one box that is quite heavy. I put it on them.  Hope that helps.

    Got pretty cold last night.  In the 40s.  Freeze warning for my part of Kansas.  Low 30s or 20s.  There are a couple of places maybe teens.  I left my heat where I had it but I was chilly today.  But the sunshine warmed the house up.  The day tomorrow will not be freezing.  Just the night.

    Our rain has been pushed to early next week & not as strong.  I could have forecast that.  We need moisture so badly.  Not the weatherman's fault but I hate to even listen to them.

    Heard from MM again.  I am grateful to have him.  He remembers me almost daily.  Nice not to be forgotten.

    My eyes are not normal but not as bad as they were.  Have not sneezed either.  That comes & goes.

    I am so tired of politics.  It all makes me so scared.  I have enough  stress.

    Photos are from Unsplash.  Something different.  I did a search for Castle.  I got parts of castles.  And I liked them.


Monday, October 14, 2024

10/2024 MÃ¥ndag the 14th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Indigenous People Day

I refuse to celebrate Columbus Day.  The indigenous people were here first.  Then the Swedes.  Columbus was only lost & a truly bad person.

Today's Name Day:  Stellan

    I had an ok day.  Did not accomplish much.  Did get mail in & sorted.  That was it.  I did not take trash out today.  I do not have much.  But my back hurts.  Just did not feel like carrying the bags.  Just make my back worse.  Best to not too irritate it.  The joy of living alone.
    Great weather.  Got really cool last night,  Good sleep.  I left my heat as it was today but it got too stuffy this afternoon,  Ran the AC for a bit.  Have a freeze warning for wednesday morning.  Great.  Wish the weather would stay like this.
    Still have rain forecast but they have moved it to sunday & monday instead of friday & saturday.  Does not bode well for us.  Wanna bet they end up deleting it all together???  So sad.
    JR got 2 photos of my great niece in a volleyball match.  She did not play long so he only got 2 but her parents were so pleased.  She is not home so has not seen them yet. has updated my DNA.  Fun.  I am mostly Swedish.  Second is English.  And I have 2 new areas.  Germanic Europe & Netherlands.  Cool.  I do not use Ancestry but I had to get a new password to sign in to see my updated info.  Always fun when one of my DNA tests updates.
    I worked on some genealogy.  There is one cousin with an unhappy life for many reasons,  But I had no info on her.  She had a husband & 2 sons.  One son was a pilot & died in a plane wreck.  His wife sued the air line.  No idea how that turned out.  She died in a car wreck.  Cannot find the name of her husband.  I will keep digging.  I do not think I ever met her.  She had health problems.  Only knew her parents.  They lived in Kentucky.  Both are gone now.
    Cinder stayed in today.  She heard me on the porch opening boxes & tossing them away.  When I came in both cats were near the front door,  I opened the door & they ran.  Cinder never came back to ask to go out.  Good.
    My eyes are better today.  Still some itchiness & pain.  But better.  What a relief.  If my body could just follow suit.  Hahaha.  )-;
    Photos are some spooky ones & several on what national day it is today.  There are several nice ones.  Yesterday I did not like any of them.  The spooky photos are free ones from Unsplash.  Great site.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

10/2024 Söndag the 13th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Falling Leaves 

Leaves are starting to turn here.

Today's Name Day: Berit, Birgit

    Had a good day.  Took a long nap but Cinder just went hid.  Odd.   But she was cuddly at other times.

    Weather is chilly.  Got down to 48 last night.  The high today was 70.  Right now it is 52.  I left the heat on all day.  This morning it was 69 inside the house.  Turned it up a bit now.  I was a bit chilly.  Loving it!!!  Finally around 74 in the living room.

    No communication with anyone today.  Except a long email from a friend in California.  Always like hearing from her.

    I feel ok today. Some normal hip/back pain.  But I slept ok.  A put on a pain cream every time I got up all night.  Keeps me going.  Better during the day,  Or I tolerate the pain better.

    My eyes may never recover.  They itch constantly.  And they hurt constantly.  My eye drops helped more than usual today.  Hope things improve soon,

    We ate supper at Pizza Hut.  I just had ;garlicl bread.  It does not hurt my stomach.  Then we had ice cream as a dessert.  We both had Cotton Candy ice cream.  It is different. Almost had to turn the heater on eating it!!!  ⛄

    We bought some groceries before going home.  Cinder had a short list!!!  😺  I had a couple of things I needed.

    Photos are free Autumn ones & 3 edited ones ----- spooky spiders!!!


Saturday, October 12, 2024

10/2024 Lördag the 12th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Farmer's Day

October 12 offers much-deserved praise to the hard-working farmers across the nation. In the midst of harvest-season, the day pays tribute to the men, women, and families who put food in the grocery stores and on our tables every day. 

I also would like to include all the hard working farm workers from this country & others.  They do not get enough credit for all they do. Or paid fairly.

Today's Name Day: Manfred, Valfrid

Manfred is a special name to me.  Had a great uncle named that.  He was a very unique man.

    Had a good day.  There is a FB site I read daily.  It has a daily message from angels.  They are all nice messages.  Today mine was to totally relax & recover.  And that is what I did.  The best was a healing nap with Cinder on my chest.  She does me so much good.  I got a photo of me with my cat I had when in junior high.  I cannot share it as it makes me cry from pain.  I dearly loved that cat.  And it was cruely taken away from me.  And there was no one person or family member that cared what I might be suffering inside.  Still today no one who cares how I  felt.  No wonder I have issues with trust & being loved.  Was I loved back then?  Probably not much.

    I offered Cinder to outside but she just looked at me.  No problem.  I like having her inside.  No worries then.

    Pretty warm today.  Almost made 90.  Hate summer weather.  Tomorrow a cold front hits.  Good deal.  Maybe rain late in next week.  We can hope.

    TV was really bad today.  No channel was interesting.  By accident I found a good channel tonight with Expidition Unknown.  I love these shows.  This is one I do not remember.  It is in Egypt in a pharaoh's grave inside a pyramid that is all flooded.  Cool.  So interesting.

    This afternoon I watched a Zoom presentation on a local historical man from my town.  Given by the Old Mill.  The presenter is a friend.  He gave this talk a couple of years ago but I missed it.  It was a great presentation.  I missed the first Zoom one they did a month ago but I can still look at it now.  I set my alarm so I would not forget today!

    Only got some texts from MM.  Everyone else must be too busy.  Typical day for me..

    Photos are a mix of autumn, winter, edited, Halloween.


Playing with a photo of mine

Cool photo

Want snow

Swedish made car.  If I had an extra Million $$$ I would buy one.  Saw a show about this car.  It is beyond awesome.  I cannot explain all it can do.  Wow!!!



Friday, October 11, 2024

10/2024 Fredag the 11th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Sausage Pizza Day 

Love pizza.  Get hungry just looking at this photo.

Today's Name Day: Erling, Jarl

    Had a pretty nice day.  Went to bed around 1030.  I was just tired.  Slept pretty good..  Felt ok today.

    Went to bed & after severe pain the wednesday night I had little pain in bed. Odd.  Had a moment or two of pain but did not last long.  Not too bad today.

    We have smoke here from Wyoming, Montana, etc.  The skies are hazy often.  I have not smelled it but some do.  Make beautiful sunsets!!  But today my eyes are hurting & lots of tears.  I gave up on my usual eye makeup.  Hard to focus at work.  Did not get better.  Plus I have some allergies.  Think both are bothering me.  😔

    I finished Folder  "O"  this afternoon.  Then I started on Folder "P".  Lots more photos in this folder.  I got half of the tiny ones scanned.  Anxious to get back on Wednesday to continue.

    Had trouble with scanner today.  It was a mess.  I rebooted the entire system.  As it came back on I noticed something that is never selected had been marked.  I changed it back to where it should be.  Then it scanned better.  Later I got another error.  I could not turn off the scanner & kept getting an error message.  AP had to help.  Thank goodness he was there.  Fixed it.  What a day!!

    Mexican for supper.  Then to the Barnyard Creamery,  I tried a new ice cream they have.  It is called Cotton Candy.  Tastes just like real cotton candy even has the little pieces of crunchy sugar.  I really like it!!

    I got home & opened the front door & Cinder ran out the door.  I could not have stopped her if I wanted to.  Now I worry if she will come home for bedtime.  😱

    The weather just said we have rain coming for this friday & saturday.  Hard to believe them.  I am not getting excited.

    Need to make an appointment to get my flu shot & Covid shot at our pharmacy.  JR needs his Covid shot.  Next week I hope.

    Photos are from my memories today.  A mix of autumn, winter, Christmas, etc.


Painting done by a Swedish friend, Lars Bäckman.

A. tree in Lindsborg several years ago

Me at work

10/2024 Onsdag the 16th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Global Cat Day Nice to honor my cats that make my life better than ever!! 💕 Today's Name Day: Finn      Not a good day today.  I was ...