Thursday, July 20, 2017

Weather worse. Knee better

Could this damn weather get worse? 107F outside. Almost 87F in the house with a humidity of almost 50%. No fun to have sweat running down my face. But no need to complain. "It feels fine". And most things are MY fault --- I have stuff by a window, on the floor, on a shelf. So everything is MY fault because I have STUFF. Gets so old having all this blame on my shoulders. But maybe I deserve it. My cross to bear.

Saw my ortho doc, well a ortho doc. New to me. Very nice. He did X-rays. Have a crappy looking knee. He used a sonogram machine also. Cool. He explained everything I was looking at. Then he used the sono while giving my 2 shots. Very little pain. Nice to have pain killer on board today. What a difference. Wish that would last forever! Ha. Takes a couple of days and then I should feel better. I hope. So. What surgery to have first? Knee? Left hand? Right hand? Life is good. NOT.

Texted yesterday morn. And this afternoon with another friend. Moments like those make my days. I have one friend that I am getting an odd vibe from. Hope I am making my feelings up. I would be devastated to lose that friend. I already have 2 that are moving. Beyond devastating. Makes me sad. But life goes on. Already told one I am working on their leaving. And I have learned, no matter how much you promise to keep in touch and how close we are, it ends. I stay here with the same ole same ole. They leave and have new friends, family, fun, and forget.

I took myself out for breakfast. It was not good. Dang. But came home for a good nap. A hot one but good after little sleep last nite.

Hoping the snow photos would help me feel cooler. Not working so far.

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