Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quarantine Day 42

Had a good day. I took a pill so I slept pretty good for a change. Felt good.

My brother and I went to Jalisco's for lunch. So good to see Miguel. He has no idea how much I miss eating there. It was truly a second home to me. I had the car windows open. A van parked next to us with a few people in it. Just nice to hear talking and laughing. So rare for me. And then a very large group of bikers came and parked near us. I love how they sound. Thought maybe they would eat Mexican but they did not. No idea where they were from.

My brother came home with me. I did his laundry and he carried all my trash out. And there was a lot!! And then he put many boxes in my trunk to give to a friend who is  moving.

Both fur kids came out to see my brother. Usually Kisse hides. I went back in the bedroom and she cuddled with me. Then she came out to the living room. Oh, what a glare she had on her face. I should have gotten a photo!!

After taking my brother home, I stopped to visit with my bestie. We had a long visit. He worries about me. Rather nice. I have an upcoming doctor app't and he almost forbid me to go to any hospital. It is a clinic but I am calling tomorrow to see if they can just call. I have no change. And the week after a different doctor. Do not want to go there either.

I injured my hand a few days ago --- nothing much. But a day or so later I had one joint swell and turn red and hot. Extremely sore!! I could barely make a fist. And both my hands are itching like crazy. I have a lotion that really helps.

After all I have read and listened to, I am starting to believe I will never again live a normal life. Makes me sad. IF the virus is always around and will come back next autumn but worse, I do not dare go out like I used to. With my health issues and my age I really do not dare. Should not think about all I will do without. Life is just not fair. I should be used to that.

Weather was ok. Warm and no wind. Cloudy. Hot weather comes this week. Oh, joy!

Photos are all from Lindsborg except for the barn. I did editing on all of them.

    Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

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