Monday, April 27, 2020

Quarantine Day 43

I slept good and the day started quietly. BUT. Then my neighbor came to mow my yard. I went out we had a nice visit. He is in high school and had classes earlier. Said he bought a new mower for this year. Not as wide but more power. Sounded good. Nice to  have my yard all trimmed. A couple of places I can get with my push mower.
My brother and I had plans for today but I got a bad headache. Has been happening often lately. Probably stress. I cancelled and  stayed home. Felt better after a nap. We go tomorrow, headache or not.

My hand is worse. Not as red or hot. But more swollen. Been trying to sit with my hand higher than my heart. See if it helps. Maybe getting better. Seems there is always something. Bad enough to be in isolation. Wish things could be better.

I watched the news tonite. We are a stupid people. They showed beaches covered with hundreds of people, walking within inches of each other, no masks, no gloves. Interesting to see what happens. Hope they stay far away from me. Idiots.

My nephew opened up a different pasture. One little calf was there and watched Nico and I. He was there all afternoon. I called my nephew. Hope he is with his mom now. They are so cute when tiny. 

Was warm today. Not hot though. Almost got the house comfy. Almost. Getting hotter this week.

Now 43 days. 43. How many more? How do I survive? Sigh.....

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

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