Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Quarantine Day 100......

Wow. Been away from life for 100 days. Not one hug in over 100 days. And people need around 12 hugs a day to be healthy. No chance for me. None. I am starting to miss having my hair cut. I might have to invest in doing my own hair color. I should celebrate 100 days but sitting here alone who cares. I treated myself to Arby's. Livin' the high life. And no change in site. If EVERYONE would wear a mask that would help but not in this country. Selfish people.

I feel better today. But after sleeping all day yesterday I did not sleep last night. Always something.

I have received some disturbing stuff online. Far far right wing stuff. Why do people not check to see if that is something I agree with. One was sent to me personally. The other was a general post on FB. Sad that a relative has such beliefs. If I send something to someone I know what they believe. I would never ever do that to anyone. Just hateful.

Photos are some old ones, some I took, some have me in it, and old post card. No photos taken today. Just no interest.

Artist from Nigeria, Jerry Buhari. Good friend. And an awesome artist!!


Best friend John Bergers who was a fantastic artist. Died several years ago. Think of him daily.

Me as a blonde when my oldest grandson was born. Long time ago.

Years and years ago when we actually had outside cats. These were 3 kittens sleeping on our back deck.

Grocery shopping look!! Just sit in the car and they carry it out.

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