Sunday, July 5, 2020

Cutting Willie's last sown wheat. Quarantine Day 112.....

One year ago today a large group of my husband’s friends and family gathered to cut the last field of wheat he sowed before he died. This event was organised by our nephew. He is the best and takes good care of me and our farm. And our great nephew was there. I am sure the thought he was in charge.

As the combines and tractors came driving up I was over come with emotion. I had tears watching. We had 7 combines and 3 tractors in my field. Our niece came soon so I sat and talked to her.

It was great to see some friends I had not seen for a long time as they had moved.

Our neighbor saw all these combines driving by his farm so he jumped on his. He just knew something was going on and did not want to be left out!! Actually they were still cutting theirs so we had not called them!

I fed them all pizza. Too many to cook for!! I have never spent that much at Pizza Hut in my life! I would have paid double!

There are no words of praise for this group of men. They are the best of the best. I will be grateful to them for the rest of my life. Bless each one of them.

While they ate we shared lots of memories and laughs. I am sure Willie was there enjoying it all. Nice to see how loved he was and still is.

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