Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Plague, Day 112.....

Had an ok day. No celebration for me yesterday. I went to bed around 930pm. I slept off and on. Lots of RA pain. Sure gets old. And nothing to take for pain except Tylenol. I do not want anything stronger as those drugs are not healthy. I can ache a little. And learn not to whinge.

Brother and I ate at Jalisco's. Food is sooo good. They were not busy today. Everyone tired from their big celebrations I am sure. My bestie was in a good mood and joked and talked. The other waiter sat with us several times. That was nice. And the young man who does dishes always has to talk with me. And we bump elbows several times. He always has to point to my brother and says "Hermano Yay". Means "Brother Jay". Yay always makes us laugh!

Came home and napped. Let Nico be outside for a while. I took some cloud photos. My mood is still low. I think the best way to explain is that I feel "flat".

Not as hot but too humid. I was out around 5am. It was very foggy then. Some lightning here now but no rain that I hear.

All photos today are old ones.


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