Monday, July 6, 2020

The Plague, Day 113.....

Quiet and boring day. I did learn something though. I was extra lazy. Lunch was about an hour past due, at least according to the fur kids. They both ended up sitting on my chest at the same time. I rather liked the attention! 

Much better RA day. Not bad last night but I never could get comfy. I finally moved to the sofa.

Supposed to have therapy tomorrow. If she has been to any big sporting events or celebrations, I think we can talk on the phone. I do not want to take chances. There are several in town that are adamant they WILL NOT wear a mask. I know names but not people. But if I knew them and they were somewhere I was, I would just leave. No need to risk my life.

Photos today are all ones I have taken and edited in some way.


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