Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Plague, Day 114.....

Another rather lonely and quiet day. I had an appointment with my therapist but we did a phone call. Did not really talk about me and my feelings but we talked about "unimportant" things. But to me it helped. Hard to go for a days and not hear another human voice except on the TV. I would pay her for that every week.

I slept little last night. Nico barked at least 3 times. Clueless at what. After the sun was up I noticed he looked up, like on the carport roof. I finally laid on the sofa. Nico would go back to the bedroom to bark and then ran at a high speed to the living room. His hair was standing straight up! On one of my outside camera there was a bird on the porch and I could hear lots of birds on the background. Who knows.

I ordered groceries from Walmart and I swore I did all I needed to do. Nope. Lost my time. So I am going tomorrow. Hopefully I got it right this time.

Photos today are old ones taken by me.


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