Saturday, July 4, 2020

Quarantine Day 111......Happy 4th of July

A very quiet day. Just not in a good mood. Really depressed. I had an invite to a relatives. My brother and I talked about eating out. Did nothing. I have tons of guilt feelings on top of depression.

My lawn got mowed today. It really was not looking too bad but with the rain that would not last. Looks good again. I owed him for last time and today. He mows for several places and people. A great guy!

Not quite as hot today but still hot. End of next week on one tv channel they said 106 end of next week and higher on the weekend. Wonder how expensive a ticket to Alaska is?

Photos are a mix of old and new. Some are edited. All are mine.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures, Julie-Ann!! I am so sorry you are having a bad day. Sometimes, holidays are not that terrific. I used to love fireworks, but they scare so many animals, that I don't like them AT ALL!!! It's SO noisy tonight in my neighborhood with the fireworks. The ones that 'leave the ground' are forbidden, but I am sure there will be plenty. The ground ones, just sound like bombs or guns. Not sure what fun that is.
    Oh well, 2-3 day of it, then they will quit.
    Jordan, Ali and granddog are here for a week, staying with us. I love it. BUT, Mike just got diagnosed with Small Cell Lymphoma. Had surgery last week to have a large swollen lymph node removed. Mostly to biopsy it. It looks 'aggressive' the doc said. Mike doesn't want anyone to know. woops...
    Take care. Love you. Nancy
    (p.s. who sees this? Just you?)


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