Friday, July 3, 2020

Quarantine Day 110......

I had a busy day. Had to get up early. I have a tire that kept going low. And the garage I go to in Assaria was closing at noon for the weekend. It was full of people when I got there ---- adults and kids. Nary a mask in sight. Hmmm.

The man sitting behind me is a good friend. We had a great visit. That was fun!

My tire had a rock in it. How did that happen!!

A friend stopped at my house. That is unheard of. No one is ever here. We had a great visit. Very nice.

Supper was with my brother and a good friend. I grew up with him but my brother was too young. We had a very nice visit.

Jalisco's was not too busy. I saw maybe 3-5 masks. Very sad.

Our Democratic governor made an edict that every body wear masks when not at home. But the GOP of several counties have said we do not have to. We can do whatever we want. This should not be political. It should be about surviving Covid 19 and helping to overcome it. There is no talking sense to them. And in the middle of a pandemic there are huge sporting events for kids from several states. One girl came down with the virus and there is no way to know who all she was in contact with. We are so screwed. Ok. Off my soapbox. Those who need to care do not. I am preaching to the choir.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July. I simply do not care. I am trying to but I do not. We might watch some fireworks but I will see how I feel. We have new cases in my county daily. And the next county. I am scared. We might at least go eat somewhere.

Had rain last night. We had 1" of well needed moisture.

I am hating TV. I watched a show yesterday that I finally skipped most of. It was awful.Now watching a series called Dr. Findley. It is Scottish and ok. Think I will restart Murdoch Mystries. Even if I remember it will be better!!

Photos today are from the day. The flowers all grow in my driveway. Been so windy I could not macro shots.


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