Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Plague, Day 163.....

Fairly quiet day. Back pain again. I almost needed a walker last night. Today I am better. Maybe I should give up sleeping?

I had therapy today. It is always good to see KF. I can just talk and not worry about being judged or talked about. I always say too much on FB. I am trying to stop.

I am friends with someone I have never met but did know his name. Yesterday he just felt that he must judge me on something I posted. He said he had thought I was a better person. He said some really unkind things. I did not unfriend him just changed some settings. If he does this again then I will block. A shame that people cannot just scroll on by. I am pretty good with that. I hate confrontations so I am good at ignoring. What I posted was a joke. People like him make me feel like I cannot post anything. Oh well.

They say rain is coming on saturday. Ha. We are in the 2" area. Ha. I have no confidence. I really like my weatherman but not just him but all are wrong too often. You could see the dust blowing in my photos yesterday. So dry.

Photos are mostly old ones and a few new ones from today. Will post the old ones first.

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