Monday, August 24, 2020

The Plague, Day 162.....

Last night was not the best. My stress level got way out of control. And I paid for it. I finally got up around 4am to sleep on the sofa. I took tylenol and slathered on tons of pain cream. Much better today. I had stuff I had to get done last night. And I did.

Today JS called and asked for help. He works about a half mile from me. I was on the way to Lindsborg so I stopped to see him and what he needed. Nice to feel needed and part of someone or something. And got to chat a bit with him and my neighbour.

I picked up my brother and he came and carried out 5 bags of trash. Been going through stuff. Good to get rid of stuff.

JR and I had supper at Pizza Hut. I was craving pizza. Very good. We were the only customers but they had carry outs and deliveries.

I sat out with Nico twice. Once when it was 99F. Thankfully the humidity is very low. Still hot. I saw 100F in my car.

I live in the Smoky Valley in Kansas. The Valley is extra Smoky now. The smoke from the California fire has reached here. I can feel it a little when I breathe.

I am excited for September. Soccer starts at Bethany College. But whether we can actually attend the matches is unknown. But they usually stream most matches. I am ready for a tiny bit of normalcy.

The photos today are from this afternoon. I was playing with a new app or two.

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