Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 248....

 It was so windy I almost filled a bag with rocks to hang on Nico to keep him on the ground!! Like a hurricane!! A bit less tonight but still blowing.

My uncle passed away this morning. I have tried very hard to focus on the positive and fun when I was  actually part of the family. I miss those times but that was a long time ago. I hope he is at peace.

JR and I went out for supper at Jalisco's. Slow night so time to chat and laugh with the wait staff. JS worries about me. Thinks I should not come in or be near him. I try to be safe. And I think he does also. I need a tiny bit of normalcy with care. I only go to there and my therapist. Groceries are put in my trunk. Or come in the mail.

Talked with my cousin for a while. We talked about my RA. She said I should not hurt so bad so early on. I do need to see my dr but hard to go to a city that has 500 cases daily of covid. I might call my doctor and just say I am hurting more and try another med. I want my hips xrayed to see if I have bursitis. But will do that when I go there. My hair stylist told me about a prescription cream for arthritis pain that is now sold over the counter. I ordered it and it came today. Seems ok. Will give it a chance. Now that my flare is over I feel more human. Probably do not look more human. But at least I try!! Too many others just do not give a shit.

Covid 19 just gets worse and worse. In my small county there are 8 disease pockets of covid. Scary. Our governor made an edict to the state today to wear masks. Last time she tried the male politicians stripped her of that power. I will not say more. Gritting my teeth. Should be a law we all wear a mask in public. Nationwide. There is no reason we all cannot wear a mask. One of the best ways to stop the Covid 19. Off my soap box. A friend in Ireland where the country is in lockdown. No one can go further than 3 miles from their home. Wear a mask.

Photos are mostly from today.

I hugged a tree and I like it!

At a nearby church. No clue.


The moon. Not bad from an iPhone.

The moon from my iPhone. Different camera app. I just like it.


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