Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 233......

 A really busy day. I slept early on but then woke up and could not get back to sleep. Not even on the soffa. I finally gave up and got up at 8am.


I got dressed and went to vote. I got lucky and did not have to wait. I think a couple of people did have to wait a short time.

Then I went home to dress and went to town for a burger. Had time to chat with MA. Wished the cook SS a happy birthday (Feliz cumple) and got a hug! Then MA's wife came in and sat with me. Nice to see her.

Then time for my therapy. I gave my therapist a sheet to read that someone wrote and it described me and how I have been/feel my entire life. I was trained from early childhood, young adult, until now to be the mess I am now. I had 2 expert teachers. And I cannot seem to change my feelings and mindset. So inside, I have no peace. And I tell no one. Healthy much??

My therapist always brings her sweet puppy. I got no photos today. I will next week. While she was reading JS called me. He needed me for something but I had no time. I felt so guilty but I think he survived.

Then I met JR2 for coffee at the White Peacock. I had homemade ice cream and tea. And we had a good chat.

Somewhere along the way I lost my billfold. I had it when I voted. But when I got to therapy, I no longer had it in my purse. I emptied my purse in the car but nada. I was so stressed ---- credit card, drivers license, a lot of money after being at the bank. When JR2 and I left the Peacock, I looked under my front seats. THEN. I noticed I had an Arby's bag I was using for trash. Surely not!!!! THERE was my billfold. What a relief!! I yelled to JR2. I called my therapist. I requested to double my meetings as obviously have problems. Hahahah!

Left the kids too long alone today. Nico was a mess!! He was into everything. He could have done that while I was gone but he was voicing his displeasure. Sleeping now. Kisse was trying to climb on the ceiling to catch a bug. Impossible.

 Right now I feel the house shaky and rumbling. Helicopter overhead? I think. We have lots of Air Force traffic here. West of my farm is a bombing range where they practice.

Covid 19 is going nuts here. The county south of us had 67 new cases yesterday. The country north of us had 59 cases yesterday. Today they had to pull the kids from pre-K through 4th grade to home school and the teachers. The high school has 40 kids quarantined. Our college has 90 kids quarantined which is the entire football team. No outside people not allowed at any sports event. I go next to nowhere!!! I want to give a heart felt thanks to those who have allowed this. And that is not any kid or teacher.

Photos follow.


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