Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 234......

 A so-so day. No sleep. My phone would beep with a message so I would look. Then I could not read it and grab my glasses. And finally my phone. So tense. I finally got some sleep on the soffa. 

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. It was medium busy. Did not visit too much. Maybe they are tired of me. I am tired of me!!! (-: I tried a soft taco. I like it for a change. I only ate half of it. Nico got the leftover meat when I got home. He was soo intent on eating I managed a cookie in the kitchen and he never noticed! Silly dog.

Nice weather but windy. Not much change until monday. Colder, rain or snow. Who knows.

Photos are a mix today.


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