Thursday, November 5, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 235......

 An OK day. Had to move to the soffa in the early morning. Then I slept better.

I had an appointment to get new glasses since my eye surgery. One cannot walk in any more. I found a pair right away. Sometimes it is hard to find something I like at my doctor's. Small store in a small town and a small market. But I got lucky today. If the virus was under control I would go look in Wichita. Medicare is supposed to pay some on new glasses after cataract surgery. Almost a joke. They do not pay much. I also had new lenses put in some older glasses I love.

Then I stopped in my accountant's office to sign some tax papers. No money for that but I needed to pay him for his  services. Yikes!!!

I tell you what. I spent money today like I have it!!!

That was my day. So exciting. Never talked to anyone today. Tried to sit outside and kept getting bit by some small bug.

I spent the other day changing my FB. I divided people up. There are some I never ever hear from so they are in a group that really sees nothing I post and I do not see theirs. Better than unfriending. No need to hurt feelings. People I do talk to are either in just a friendly, fun group or a political group or in a small group of those I trust with my feelings/life. I have a couple of friends I would like to add but we do not agree politically. I can friend them and not offend them.

Got an email that the church our Swedish group meets in has cancelled all meetings due to Covid. I have my historical meeting next week. I do not want to go. Small area. Just the board meeting should be ok but during the program will not be good. Not all will wear a mask. Even if we demand one, they will wear to get in and then take it off. Or wear it down under their noses. I will be home.

Most photos are from today.


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