Monday, November 2, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 232......

 A busy day, for me anyway. I slept so-so. The weather is too warm for me. The house got far too warm. Had the ac on a bit.

I took myself out to eat for lunch. Dined high on hog - Arbeys. Then over to Dillons to get my grocery order. Think I will stick with them. Can order anytime and get it delivered within hours. And the mostly have what I want. And no limit on what you must spend.

Late afternoon I took 2 bags of trash out. First time I did it and not JR. He moved the bins closer to the house and that makes a big difference.

This morning I had a murder of crows near the front yard. I could see them and they were really loud! Fun for me. Maybe they are planning to go south.

Tonite I sat outside for a bit. A male deer with nice large rack passed through my pasture and driveway. But, of course, I had no camera with me. Dang.

Most days at home I am mostly alone. And I feel like no one remembers me. But today was different. First a friend sent a sweet message of maybe getting together. Then my friend from Morocco wrote a nice message. We send a message almost daily to each other. And the best was a long chat from my friend RW in Ireland. He has some suggestions for my loneliness. I laughed so hard!!!  I like them all!!! Made my day. I am grateful for you all!!!

Nico thinks he must sit where I am. He does not understand I will move when done with my blog. He is now laying across my shoulders. He is so stubborn!

Photos today are old ones and some not mine. Celebrating Day of the Dead of Mexico. Also are photos of some family/friend graves when I lit a candle on them like the  Swedes do on All Saints Day. Wish that was a custom here. Should have gone to Willie's grave. Will next year.

It is amazing what a short note or call can do for someone else. I was blessed today.

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