Monday, November 9, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 239......

 Quiet day. My pain is back. And little sleep last night. Back to "normal".

OK temps today but the gale force winds continue. Tired of it. Supposed to die down in a day or so.

Home alone alone today. My normal. Hate feeling so isolated. But people have lives and I cannot expect anything.

Got a reminder call from my RA doctor. And they said if you have been around anyone with Covid you cannot come for your appointment. I had coffee with a friend on November 3 and on November they closed the White Peacock due to one of the baristas having Covid. So I called and explained and I cannot go at this time. Will go in February. Long wait. 

Colder already and rain in the state. Doubt we get any. Normal for my farm. And so depressing. Snow forecast for northern Kansas.

Photos today are some old winter photos, and autumn photos or 2, and some I did not take. 



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