Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 240......

What a confusing day!!! I was up early so got  dressed and decided to eat out before therapy. As  I was eating my therapist called. She had to cancel my appointment. No big problem. The chef at my house is no where as good as the chef at Jalisco's. Then I remembered my historical meeting was canceled but not sure about the board meeting. Made a couple of calls. It was cancelled also. Feeling lazy, I was not upset. Will plan a zoom meeting later.

Jalisco's was not overly busy. That was nice. Gave MA time to chat. Does not happen often. So a pleasant meal. JS does not work on tuesdays. Always miss him.

. We had rain, if you can call it that. A brief shower. Even thunder. Then warnings for heavy rain. Ha. Not here. It turned very cold though. Down to around 32F. No rain until friday. Ha. Not falling for that.

Up early this morning and there were 2 deer in my back yard. We all stared at each other. Love them!

I feel better today. Maybe yesterday was the change in the weather. I have cut back my new CBD med. I get far too tired!! So today I took less. Still helps with my pain.

Evenings with Nico are frustrating. During the day is fine. We cuddle often. After supper he wants something every 5 minutes. Food, treats, more food, outside. Not just attention from me or to be held. And he cannot gently tap my leg, he scratches me hard. It hurts. Just came in. It is 32F. He dorked around forever. I swear he pottied but I must have seen wrong. Three false starts and finally done. I am freezing now!!! I am probably just a bad mom. I am always wrong.

Covid 19 is really raging. I think we are third in the US for new cases!! I am getting terrified. Many places are now moving backward. Wichita just opened things up. I thought it was a mistake. Now it is changing. Closing back down. If people would just get a clue. Wear the damn mask, was your hands, and distance. Not hard. If everyone would do that, we could get over this. But they just cannot.

Photos today are partly mine.

some I have edited.


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