Monday, March 22, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 370....

A wet soggy day. Finally. We were not left out. Rained since early morning. Quite steady rain. Think we have had about 1.13 inches of rain.

Nico is not happy. Took him out 4 times to potty and nothing. The 5th time he was desperate. Picked a spot and walked in a circle 4-5 times and then success.

I feel ok but still extra fatigued. JS was a waiter tonight and asked us to eat in tonight. Then our friend GE joined JR and I. Good visit. Not seen her for several weeks.

I was supposed to work an art show last Sunday but still had a fever. Now they asked if can work on Saturday. Great! I am excited. All I do is make sure no art walks away.

Always be kind

Photos today are of my church. One window is for my great great grand father, Jan Jansson but changed to John Train. He was a charter member. Was an early member of town. When I die I will be buried near him and his wife. I feel then I have some full circle.

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