Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 350....

Had a fun and busy day. Met JS this morning and late afternoon. Had a chance to visit and with my neighbor too.

Had therapy but I neglected to do my homework. Mostly because I was sick for 4 days. But we discussed things from my past life.

After therapy I met J R2 at the White Peacock for tea. And I had at least 10 huge boxes for her. Good to see her.

Very nice weather but too windy. Nico and I sat out twice. While out the second time my nephew and my grandnephew came over checking cattle. Good to see both.

While at the Peacock a friend came in. Had not seen him in a year. I miss him. Stupid virus.

 Always be kind to others.

Photos are from a year ago.

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