Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Surviving the Pandemic, Day 400....

 What a day. I got attacked yesterday with a letter so full of hate and evil things to happen to me. And a gift. Gave the gift away as it was given with hate. This person had threatened me in the past. On advice I set boundaries. That is not liked. Enough said. No more toxic people in my life.

I worked at the Old Mill today. I love being there. Continued scanning old photos. Always fun when I recognise someone. Today relatives of my husband showed up. Cool.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. I had ordered something for JS and delivered it. And I got paid.

When I got home I saw a little bird under my carport roof. I checked if it was the little bird who sleeps there. And it was her! It had looked liked she flew up when I parked!

Tomorrow I have a last minute session with my therapist. Much needed. I am lucky she could work me in.

I was going to board Nico all weekend. I had 2 trips to Wichita planned. All canceled. Can do later.

Had a long talk with my nephew. News to report and 2 small requests.

This week is the week to honor volunteers. My boss took my photo and shared it on FB. Nice of her. I am sharing it here also.

Treating myself to a rum and Coke. Orange flavored rum. I deserve it.

Always be kind. Wear a mask.

Photos were all taken today.

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