Sunday, July 4, 2021

Wandering Through Life, 04 july 2021

      Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

    Not as hot! High was in the upper 80s. Nice outside. Sat out with Nico for while in the sun. Just nice. He stretched out and slept. Felt nice. Then he came in and in sleeping on the sofa. Peace and quiet.

    Holiday weekend but not or me. No more family to be with. What I would not give for a simple day with Mom, Dad, and my brother. I also remember the more current times with family watching the kids and fireworks. And great food.  If they still do that I am not included. No problem. No doubt there are some invited that do not like me. Best I stay home alone. But sometmes it is hard to be a forgotten person.

    I cancelled eating out today. I got next to no sleep and felt awful. And really depressed. I feel bad for JR.

   Photos were mostly taken by me but all were edited by me.

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