Sunday, October 31, 2021

Wandering, 31 october 2021

    I was sick yesterday and last night from my flu shot.  But today I am feeling normal.  No more queasiness and less RA pains.  My arm where I got the shot is still achy.  Normal.

    I love watching paranormal shows, but am terrified of Halloween.  I would never go to a haunted house.  I trust no one!!  My neighbours do one near here.  I have never ever gone.  They asked me a couple of years ago why I do not come.  Welllll.  They are sooo ornery and have known them for many years.  They would do something just to me.  Nope.  I stay away.

    JR and I had pizza for supper then we went to his office and the movie Soul.  It was very good.  I am glad he has the DVD.  I got home around 9pm.  I never even got photos of houses that are decorated.  Too late now.

    Need to get groceries tomorrow.  See if I get my list turned in.  Out of too much stuff now.

    Nico is so odd.  He has things set in HIS schedule on his time frame.  Lunch is around 11am. Supper is at 5pm.  He wants a treat after each meal.  Even is he does not eat it.  He will hide them and eat  sometime later.  I feed the cat with enough for him.  He ignores it.  He will eat in the middle of the night.  Sometime around 9-10pm it is time for a people food treat. No matter what it is.  He has driven me nuts tonight begging and scratching on my leg.  He got 2 small bites of a cookie.  All he wanted.  Now he is sound asleep.  He has a routine when he goes to bed at night too.

    Photos are Halloween things.  That is it until next year!!  It is going to be cold and rain is coming. And a slight chance of snow but will mostly stay north of us.  But I put a snowy photo in, just in case.



Saturday, October 30, 2021

Wandering, 30 october 2021

    I got my flu shot yesterday morning.  Last night I got sick from it.  It rarely happens to me.  I have had flu shots since the 1970s.  I got them from the nursing home I worked at and then at the hospital I worked at.  A couple of times it made me sick but not often.

    Last night I felt feverish but my temp was normal.  My RA pains were much worse all night.  I finally fell asleep at 7am.  Felt sickly all day.  Tonight I was queasy.  I had some chicken and wild rice soup and so far so good.  My brother and JS have been nice and supportive.  And my fur kids stay close wherever I choose to lay down at.  They are sweet!

    I was suppose to work at an art auction today.  How I hated to cancel.  At least I do not do anything important there.  But it is one of my favorite things to do.  First real auction since Covid.  Hopefully I an ok at the next one!

    Had a frost warning last nite.  I briefly saw 32F during the night.  I did not feel cold.  Just hot.

    Sunday is a maybe.  JS suggested I just stay home and rest.  See how the night goes.  Maybe rest all day and go get a pizza for supper or some kind of sandwich.

    Photos are mostly mine and old.


Friday, October 29, 2021

Wandering, 29 october 2021

    A mostly quiet day.  I was sooo tired last night I went fell asleep around 830pm.  Went to bed around 1030pm.  Had some computer work to do so no sleep until 1am.  Really chilly last night.  Today also.  I wore a heavy sweater.

    Had a dr. app't this morning.  I was a bit scared as I was sure my A1C was bad.  I was prepared for it.  What a shock!  It was better!  How did that happen!?  All my labs were good.

    Took a nap this afternoon.  I had a dream that was almost too real.  A good dream but also made me sad.  Had my husband in it.  Made me sad and to realise I have so little in my life and I doubt it will get better.

    Tonight JR and I ate at Jalisco's. Not too busy.  Still short one worker.  See what happens.

    In a frost warning tonight.  Cold front coming saturday night.  Maybe rain early next week.  Our last rain I got 2 inches.

    Most photos are taken tonight.  A couple are older.  One is a fantasy!


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Wandering, 28 october 2021

    Had a great day but an awful night.  I was sooo tired but could not sleep. Finally around 4am I took an anxiety pill. Slept good then.

    Today I had a hair app't and finally after months and months I got my hair colored.  I am red again!!  I shared a photo.

    Had dreadful strong winds today.  Yikes!!  A little wind is ok but 50 mph is never good.

    I watch far too many paranormal tv shows! Last night in my yard light something huge and dark flew across my bedroom window.  Scared me at first.  Thankfully nothing more than a limb on a tree blowing in the wind.  

    Kisse must have been cold last night also. She kept coming to bed for petting and then to curl up for a while.  I finally turned the heat up.  We were all comfy then.

    Photos are all mine.  The cool bus was in town several years ago.  A family that did not look like hippies!  The painting of a sunflower is one I painted.  A friend does ceramics and it is a plate she did and I bought.  Then I painted a painting of it.  It is fair.  And I washed a ton of mud off my car.  Looks better now.



Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wandering, 27 october 2021

    Wow!  What a couple of days of weather!  We were in a severe weather watch all last night.  It was noisy and wet but not severe.  I will never adjust to being alone in severe weather.  Nothing anyone can do.  My husband is gone and there is no one to take his place.  And never will be.  Severe weather just freaks me out.

    Today it rained all day.  And it still raining a little.  Had almost 2 inches in my gauge.  Will empty tomorrow.  I had to put gas in my car.  I was on fumes.  I got wet.  My hair, shoes, and coat got wet.  My hair was just lovely.  Not!!!  My road in front of my house is really soft.  I crept home.

    JR and PM and I ate supper at Jalisco's.  They were very quiet.  No one wanted to out in the cold and rain.  So it was a quiet supper.  But I got to visit with some of the staff.

    Sometimes life is just not fair.  Two girl friends have some serious problems in their lives.  Wish I had a magic wand to make things right.  I can send positive thoughts and peace their way and hope the angels take over.

    Tonight I am posting photos of some trees.  And these were taken this afternoon in the rain.  They are gorgeous.  You just have to know where to look!!  The spooks are hanging in Jalisco's.  Hand made a couple of years ago!!



Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Wandering, 26 october 2021

    I cannot get my house to be comfortable with the changing temps.  I had summer figured out but not now.  After my neighbour fixed the outside of my house it changed how my temps are set inside. Of course if it would either be hot or cold that would help.

    This morning it was quite chilly but warmed up this afternoon.  Severe storms forecast for here tonight.  I heard there are watch areas in western Kansas already.  Supposed to be here around 11pm.

    It is official that I have lost my mind.  I had lab this morning because I have a dr appointment this afternoon.  I swore it was at 340pm.  I just knew.  I started lunch around 130pm.  For some reason I looked at my calendar. My app't was for 140pm.  Well I was not going to make it.  Not after taking my insulin.  I called and got it changed to friday morning at 10ish.  For crying out loud!!

    Tonight I had supper with a friend I do not see often at Jalisco's.  Good to visit with her and her son joined us for a while.  Her other son was at basketball practice.  A nice time for me and I hope for her.  Must not wait so long again.

    Fur kids are finally quiet for a while.  I would sure be lonely without them here.  I am lucky.  Nico has to always sleep next to me.  Kisse is usually close but not always.  She is more independent.

    Photos today are all mine but they are old.  Our trees are not so colorful yet but I saw a couple getting close. Must drove around town soon to take photos.

    Had a gorgeous sunset tonite with clouds. I included 3 photos of it.


Monday, October 25, 2021

Wandering, 25 october 2021

    Super quiet day and it got cold last night.  Nico and I even slept in this morning later than usual.  So cosy in my warm blankets.  Nico did not argue and jumped under my blankets.

    Even the house got really cold.  I had the heat set very low and it came on a lot.  After I got up I had to turn it up higher.  Then I felt better.

    Chance of severe weather tomorrow.  Here around midnight.  Time will tell.  And strong winds are back for a couple of days.  Glad the heat is gone.

    The cattle were near my yard today.  I like seeing them.  Best when there are little ones.  Wrong time of year now though.

    Photos are mostly old ones.  I took them all.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...