Saturday, October 2, 2021

Wandering, 02 october 2021

    Where oh where was the all night rain and all day rain????  None here.  It was cloudy and cool but that was it.  One just learns to ignore.  There were 2 sets of rain clouds coming my way.  Not a drop.

    Last night was not good.  For some reason I hurt much worse than usual.  Today I am back to normal pain.  And having Sjogrens causes so many problems.  It is one reason my eyes are dry.  I lotion my arms often.  But now today they are flaky dry.  

    Home alone again.  Little sleep last night so napped today.  And with no more caffeine I am really fatigued.

    Only heard from my son and both adult grandsons.  They are always texting or sending photos. Thank god!

    Fur kids played today.  I heard a loud bang from the back of the house and both kids came screeching to the living room.  I went back and saw nothing out of place.  The cat is an expert at making sounds like someone making noise and then I see nothing.

    Photos are a mix. Nothing special.  I took them all except the snow and dandelion ones.


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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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