Thursday, February 17, 2022

Wandering, 17 february 2022

    Had a good day.  Slept good except Nico was a pain.  He barked like crazy at one point.  All I saw was the black cat on the porch.  He probably saw it in the yard.  Ignore.  Sleep.

    Our blizzard was nonexistant.  I saw lightning once, heard it twice.  Other than that nary a drop or flake.  We were in the none to 1 inch.  We got the none.  One friend got a lot of snow and someone consoled her. Really?!  She was not shut in or anything, she just had snow.  Get real.  If you do not like winter, then move away.  That is why I keep quiet with things I like.  Do not need to be beat over the head for what gives me pleasure.  And helps crops.  And farmers.

    Had my hair app't today.  Not had my hair colored since October.  Yikes!  And not cut in 2 months.  Looks so much better now.  And just seeing  HP makes my day.  He is so nice and we think alike.  And we laugh.

    At the end of my appointment JS called me.  He needed to pick up something for him.  I had been debating whether to get pizza for supper or Mexican.  I chose Mexican.  I parked in the back.  I was lazy.  What fun to be in the kitchen.  They were not busy so I got lots of attention.  And after I got there, everything got busy.  Many carry out meals and people coming in to eat.  It was OK but we did not have time to chat much.  Oh well.

    It got cold last night and stayed cold today.  When I left Jalisco's it had really dropped.  But a warm up is on the way.  Why cannot someone give me condolenses!!!  Then more snow.  I truly doubt we get anything.  I just don't even listen.  Especially the one lady who made a chart of how many days until winter is completely gone. HA.  Maybe she has not lived here and has no idea what Kansas weather can do.

    Nice to be out and about.  Needs to happen more often  Two of the cooks begged me to just stay and talk.  Wish I could have.  One of them used to work here years ago. Then he went to Concordia and who knows where.  Last I saw him was at a party in Concordia.  Then he went back to Mexico.  And for a long time he called me on the phone from there.  There was a lady that helped us translate what each other was saying.  Then he moved again and no more calls.  I missed them!  But better that he is here.

    Photos are from today.  Nothing special.  One photo of me with my real hair and the second one is a SnapChat photo!!



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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