Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wandering, 23 mar sa

    Had a good night.  And slept without medication.  Nice.  And the fur kids were good too.  A pleasant change.

    It stayed chilly all night and today.  When I left work I swear I could feel mist on my cheeks.  I stopped to talk to JM, a co-worker, and he felt the same.  Nothing on my windshield though.

    I worked today.  The first time in a month.  Nice to be back.  My scanner had quit and was worked on and it is totally different.  Between LL and I we got things rolling.  And the longer I worked the more I figured some short cuts out.  Turns out it is easier than it was before.  I don't have to make as many stops and it sort of just flows.  Hope it stays that way.

    JR and I met PM for supper.  Jalisco's were pretty busy.  I saw a huge box of food headed out the door.  A couple of friends sat next to us.  Nice to see them and say HI.  I rarely see anyone I know and if I do sometimes they don't speak.

    While we were eating it started lightly raining.  I heard we got around an inch.  We need about 3 more inches falling slowly.  Would definitely help our wheat.

    A couple of days ago there was a tornado near Dallas and a friend who lives there lost their home.  The photos are awful.  They are ok.  She used to live and work here in town.  For some reason we stay in touch.  Nice lady.

    Not sure what is going on with me.  I had a couple of nights with severe pain.  Since then I have had little pain.  Won't complain.  Nice to feel good.  Usually after sitting or laying it takes me a few steps to walk ok.  Not today.  Walking better.  Hmmm.

    Now the weather says rain tonight. Odd. Wonder why that changed?  I like it!

    This morning I took Nico out.  It was dark and I looked out into the pasture.  The moon was shining on the pond.  That was all that showed.  So cool.  Bring my phone more often.

    Photos are from today.  I saw 4 calves when I got home. Soo sweet!!



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